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Everything posted by MSU

  1. He said he was up late watching the diamonbacks. Whether he meant the baseball team, or actual snakes crawling around the inside of his eyelids, is unclear at this time.
  2. In keeping with the Cardinal's live tweet stylee: 1. Can probably narrow it down to two. Flip a coin. 2. Helps that I know someone who lives there. 3. Again, can narrow it down to two. From there, one seems more likely to me. 4. Piece of piss. Next. 5. Ditto. 6. No idea. Took a punt. 7. Another easy one. 8. Ditto. 9. Well, I know it's not three of them, so that makes it easier. 10. No idea. Took a punt. 9/10 -- fly in the ointment was #6.
  3. Probably the worst movie I watched last year.
  4. Kids dragged me and the missus along to see the Captain Underpants movie yesterday. 3/10. But on the bright side I got an uninterrupted snooze that was probably 8/10.
  5. Actually knew the Aussie sport for a change, which always helps, and good instincts on at least five that quite easily could've gone the other way.
  6. Yeah, and pretty good too. Check out the album Common Reaction, or the video for Not a Love Song which features a unicorn.
  7. I know! And in the same episode was Leisha Hailey from popular pop beat combo Uh Huh Her and lezzer Showtime show, The L Word.
  8. MSU

    The Handmaid's Tale

    I can't say I found the acting wooden. More understated than anything. But to each their own. I'm all caught up now and from ep 4, it's been pretty compelling stuff.
  9. 8/10 -- Obviously guessed the boyband. Also the PNG prime minister. Got Chyme and the book wrong. Knew, had a decent idea, or could work out the other six.
  10. MSU

    The Handmaid's Tale

    I watched the first couple of episodes. Agree that it's a bit on the depressing side and although it's really well made and the story telling is great, I just can't muster up the energy to watch any more. The missus is up to date with it. Because wimmin.
  11. Fair chance of Andy Burnham getting torn into The Sun. Always entertaining.
  12. Commiserations to eednud, but really enjoyed that Sporcle game for the penalties. The addition of a time limit added an element of pressure to proceedings that I found quite fitting for the occasion, regardless of the result. More of them, please.
  13. The Bazza Paradox; telling everyone to listen, and then saying something not remotely worth listening to.
  14. Aye, the bantz of McAvennie = Top Shagger = Whit a boiy got pretty dull pretty quick.
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