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Everything posted by 101

  1. Got a new cook book any one tried any of these dishes?
  2. That is up there with some of the most batshit mental things I have read on here.
  3. Not having the same temperature on both sides of your car/ van is my PTTGOYN
  4. I would caveat that with some people responded no saying it would discriminate against younger fans.
  5. An utter rocket who posts exclusively in the Gen Nonsense section
  6. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/12/22/congo-covid-ebola-contagion-dnt-sam-kiley-sitroom-pkg-vpx.cnn This is cheery, a nice new strain of Ebola for Christmas.
  7. The thing that annoyed me was at the funeral they said where the wake was and there was no need to do that because of the restricted numbers.
  8. It's totally unbelievable that in a situation where so few people are allowed at funerals, a mourner, having been close enough to the deceased to actually get to attend, then "pays their respects" by sitting, camera at the ready, trying to get a clandestine snap of another mourner in the hope they break restrictions. Having succeeded, that they would then contact newspapers in an attempt to (presumably) sell the picture that is actually showing other mourners at the wake is simply incomprehensible to me. WTF goes through someone like that's mind ? What a fucking roaster. I doubt it was anyone at the wake more likely a member of the public who was in the hotel.
  9. Yes thats what I was getting at, the sun trying a holier than thou act really is tiresome. And you're right perhaps she was trying to comfort the old ladies one of whom has just lost a son and she couldn't do so with a muffled voice.
  10. There will have been precisely zero people fined 60 quid for this 'misdemeanour' I would be interested to know how many fixed penalty notices have been issued at funerals and wakes. I agree it's probably Zero.
  11. Good to see that Boris has now appointment 52 new lords this year just sneaking it in tonight when the press are feasting on this
  12. How sad that someone has exploited a family wake in such a way, she's apologised rightly time to move on hardly front page material. I have just seen the Tories response; "it's not something a normal person would get away with" aye they would have to cough up £60 and get on with their life.
  13. If I had a truck of sea food or day old chicks that are now wasted I would be sweeping it out the back of my lorry and leaving the lorry park for home/ pick up non perishable goods.
  14. "Boris Johnston if a fucking c**t" is tipped for Christmas number one, I'm not sure if he would be upset or proud.
  15. Boris clearly heading for the exit if the telegraph are being critical
  16. ^^ HR, Facilities, Corporate Support, Secretariat, Executive Office lackie imo
  17. No exactly if only they would pump each other the world would be a better place. So many toxic straight guys cutting about experimentation with things other than drugs would sort them out.
  18. Mr Alli has way more style than this but I think this is pretty accurate.
  19. I think the definition of a gangster these days is binning the letters from car parking companies that demand payment
  20. Should be in two bits firstly no idea who Darren Gee was, is he they guy who shat himself, ironically, when a guy with toilet rolls walked past him. Secondly English can clearly look after himself, but all the other men of his type and background tend not to assault women. He did and to me that's a measure of him, I'm glad he's out of that world now and a law abiding member of society but feel for his victims as he's obviously a role model for a lot of wannabe thugs with a lot of mouth and no trousers.
  21. No idea who the boy was wandering about Govanhill getting the free of lads with a 9 pack of toilet rolls, just saw his face on that boys Twitter. He can look after himself that's for sure just doesn't fit the gang land type to get done for assaulting a woman in McDonald's, they usually only go after boys in their world.
  22. He gave that utter melt who wandered about Glasgow air time and can be safely filed under "Moon howler"
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