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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Terrific game at the Grange and a great advert for amateur football. Two evenly matched teams giving 100% and either team could have won. Dynamo missed two second half sitters either side of Shortlees winner. The human dynamo Yogi ran his heart out and deserved his goal . Thought the ref had an excellent game never losing control despite a number of meaty challenges. Well done that man. Word of warning tho', Shortlees number 10 can be expecting a call over the next few days as someone on the touchline asked for and was given his phone number during the game, saying "he's too good for this level".
  2. Was that before you discovered stronger alcohol? Sorry Kinc, couldn't resist.
  3. Aye, FITBA, its a game you go to watch on a Saturday....oh, sorry, I forgot................................
  4. No it isn't....................Its just pining for the fiords
  5. Whatever race he is....he came last! Look at the state of him and how he behaves on the pitch. A disgrace to any race IMO. p.s. comparing the abuse of his mother/mattress and Scott Browns sister as equally offensive is astonishing. One is typical fitba banter while the other is just vile.
  6. What goes up must come down....................St Mirren perhaps?
  7. FFS give it a bye you two. Newfarmloch got it spot on, can we please move on, or your both getting detention after school.
  8. I was a ref in the amateurs and juniors for 15 years ( a long time ago mind) so I know what I'm talking about mate. Yes, I've given a ref 'stick', but dont think I've ever felt the need to be abusive.
  9. Totally agree with you. When are people going to get it into their heads that its not ok for clowns like Mookshaw to shout abuse at referees and get away with it. Refs are human beings with human feelings and hear everything that gets shouted. While they will never admit it, they are going to struggle to give a 50-50 decision to a sideline thats been barking shite at them. To make it perfectly clear, I was not at the New Farm game and cant comment on how good or bad the ref was, or exactly what was shouted from the touchline, and I have a lot of time for their committee , but maybe its a wake up call to folk who believe they can dish it out without getting it back in kind. Referees do not leave the house on a Saturday thinking, "How can I spoil this game this afternoon". They happen to do it for the love of the game. FFS, some of them leave the house to ESCAPE abuse on a Saturday.
  10. "Our Welsh sheepshaggers will pump yous " I take it you haven't been introduced to our midfield paddys then.
  11. Dont get caught out like St Mirren fans. Come early. Thats only the queue for tickets. They had to queue again at the turnstiles to get in.
  12. Thats utter pish as well as both teams always take healthy supports to these games. Sorry lads.
  13. There must have been a couple of hundred queuing at the gym when I went past just before KO. Just thinking how we would feel if the roles were reversed. We're still not getting it right off the park. On the park, well............ Angelo, Angelo...................................................
  14. I've got to say I found Saints fans having to queue up twice to get in is ridiculous. There must have been loads missed the KO because of this. Well played to us for the win but felt just a wee bit sorry for the opposition who perhaps deserved a draw.
  15. Some arse on the bird in the red dress at the end. Shame the shite's all coming out of her mouth................. Still wid tho'
  16. My understanding of the rule was that EVERY drop ball can be contested and not down to the ref. Its more an unspoken informal agreement among the players.
  17. Sorry, but the only person getting laughed at on here is you my friend.
  18. f**k it. I'm not changing my post again. I dont care how many times they have played in finals,- my point stands -past two finals = two riots, Scotlands Shame. "Celtic, Aberdeen and Dundee United have all managed to get to the final and the fans of them all were widely praised for their contribution to the occasion.....even the 5 million fans who went to Seville. Hold all that. Sevco haven't actually reached any European finals."
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