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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. I find it strange how every week he brings up the Dunfermline result almost straight away. Most managers tend to, in the media at least, focus on their own game but he’s very open in admitting that we’re essentially relying on Dunfermline being even worse than us.
  2. Nice to see Dunfermline fans are also despondent about avoiding 9th place.
  3. Not as badly as his teammates got on, in fairness.
  4. Just to add to the parallels from last season chat, the last time Queens got relegated we finished 9th and got pumped by Airdrie in the play-offs. Not that I’m hinting at anything.
  5. I’m convinced you’re just doing this to annoy us all now.
  6. It’s grim. It was the same last season, I think the only game Hopkin won was just after he came in, away at Dundee. The last 2 seasons have been a right laugh.
  7. Very much shades of last season. Going into the last game of the season with a slender advantage over 8th. We have a tough-ish game on paper while our 2 closest relegation rivals play each other (albeit one of them is now relegated this time). Oh and we haven’t won in god knows how long, just about staying afloat with draws. I don’t think a draw is out of reach next week but I can’t see us winning. It’s down to the lottery of which Queens team shows up against Dunfermline - one that’s down and can’t be arsed or one that plays without any pressure and makes a game of it?
  8. I think you could probably present the last few pages of this thread as a rebuttal the next time some thicko Killie fan gives it the “one-sided rivalry” patter. Won the league and they still can’t help themselves.
  9. Is your support full of complete fannies? Pretty much aye.
  10. This is just a fucking weird take. People are allowed to voice their opinions.
  11. Your team wins a league title and you’re away fishing out rival posts from nearly a year ago.
  12. Cringing rather heavily at the folks showing us all how “edgy” they are by not wanting the underdog to win.
  13. Killie are more likely shirley. Arbroath look dead on their feet.
  14. Lamont getting lectured in primary school maths by McFadden. Fucking hell man
  15. McFadden repeatedly going on about what Killie need to do to get back into it, but never once offering any analysis of what Arbroath need to do to see it out.
  16. You know what would be nice? If BBC Scotland could afford cameras that weren’t obliterated by a bit of sunlight.
  17. He’s okay but overrated by many because he went through a patch a couple of months ago where he pulled off some ridiculous saves from point blank range. His command of his area is poor and tame shots from outside of the box go in too easily. I can’t say I noticed much drop-off whenever Albinson has stepped in.
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