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Everything posted by eez-eh

  1. I meant to post that in the kits thread where that discussion was actually taking place, not here At least it’s taking us away from talking about the tax bill or Tomi’s Instagram.
  2. There was a season we wore our away kit about every other home game because half the teams in the league had a navy home and white away kit combo that both clashed with our black white halved top.
  3. Possibly, but still not ideal having to shuffle things about instead of the like-for-like replacement that McLean or Jack would have been.
  4. Wild. The M8 to the west and north, High Street to the east and the River Clyde to the south is the only acceptable boundary.
  5. I’ve no idea what Campbell is like, but based on the last 2 friendlies I wouldn’t feel at all comfortable with Ferguson coming on to see out a play-off game. Hoping Gilmour is better placed to play the full 90 this time round.
  6. He’s clearly trying to pass it to the Madrid player on the other side of the box from Benzema. I’ve no idea what that means for the decision but he wasn’t shooting.
  7. He’s a complete odd-ball to boot. Claims to “not like films” and would drive to Madrid airport every morning to pick up an English paper while he was playing for Real. Oh, and this:
  8. Why is this taking them so long? VAR is shite
  9. He reacts very aggressively to anyone criticising one the bazillion clubs he “supports” doesn’t he?
  10. Liverpool to take the lead before Benzema wins Madrid the game IMO. And “Gareth” to get halved pls.
  11. They don’t half drag out the play-offs down south do they? Over 3 weeks between the Championship finishing and the play-off final.
  12. Imagine what we could have done if we had a half-decent manager at the time.
  13. Why do you spend so much time rewatching games and creating your wee spreadsheets before posting your thoughts on here if it ultimately doesn’t matter what you think, then?
  14. God forbid anyone to have an opinion that doesn’t exactly match Steve Clarke’s.
  15. Am I reading right that @wastecoatwilly is accusing someone else of being dense and unable to see past their club allegiances?
  16. Straight out the Tory playbook. Focus the ire elsewhere to take the attention away from the fat cats.
  17. Aren’t you the one blaming hypothetical cuts on a train driver salary increase…? I understand perfectly well, thanks. You can stop being a patronising w****r. There are other ways that a government can find money to give public sector workers a below inflation pay rise besides cutting council services or raising council tax, you know. You appear to be struggling to understand that part.
  18. If the burden of giving train drivers a well below inflation wage rise falls on the poorest of society, then that will have been the result of a conscious, and unnecessary, decision by the government. Making out that train drivers will be responsible if council schemes don’t get their bins emptied is quite the leap.
  19. If Mathie doesn’t hit out with “that was a statement not a question” as an ice-breaker I’ll be disappointed.
  20. Enjoy League One for the 10th (tenth) consecutive season pal.
  21. Not doing overtime isn’t “holding the country to ransom”.
  22. Four fucking weeks apparently. A verbal referendum will take place at a meeting later on Thursday but the full consultation is likely to last up to four weeks and will be followed by a formal vote. Mr Lindsay told BBC Scotland it was up to train drivers to decide whether to return to working overtime in the meantime. f**k me.
  23. If you do that there’s barely any incentive to get a season ticket though, the saving isn’t all that much as it is compared to paying at the gate.
  24. Tell you what, this price cap is proving to do the ordinary person an awful lot of good, what with it being raised by nearly a grand every few months.
  25. You mean to say that Celtic’s 10 year ranking is higher than a bunch of teams with a fraction of the resources and a 10 year old club that’s only been in Europe the past 5 seasons?
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