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Everything posted by GordonD

  1. Cyclists who break the rules of the road deserve everything they get, but I bet this pair shat themselves when they realised who they'd annoyed! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-38617815
  2. I suppose when you've been going to football for years you pick up on these subtle clues. Only Mr Blobby could shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark. Apart from a stream of bat's piss, of course.
  3. He's a Celtic supporter. Has to find a way to do it now that they've stopped planting bombs.
  4. Don't know why they want to sign him; he's useless with crosses.
  5. Revealed at last - the origin of the "Rangers players were attacked" story!
  6. I wonder how many were conceived on the day of last year's! Watch for a sudden spike in the birth rate in Leith next month...
  7. It wasn't plastic. It was silicon. And it was last seen on top of a builder's van after I threw it out the window at a friend (he placed it atop the van, which in the morning had left, presumably with the artificial flange on top). That's unusual. Normally with a builders' van the c*nts are inside.
  8. I remember them advertising Werther's Originals with this. If they're new and improved then they're not fucking original any more, are they?
  9. Jimmy Carr's laugh. (Under the 'annoying' part of the thread, BTW.)
  10. Victor would be shocked! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/398230/still-game-star-ford-kiernan-faces-sex-chat-rap-over-obscene-and-degrading-remarks-to-glasgow-barmaid/
  11. Tam Cowan has been telling this story for years.
  12. http://www.gazetteherald.co.uk/news/15007350.North_Yorkshire_town_is_gripped_by_mystery_of_the_unclaimed_false_teeth/
  13. The name rings a faint bell but I wouldn't swear to it.
  14. He didn't go to away games that often. I'm trying to put a date on these photos, and my guess is 1984.
  15. What are they going to be like when we compete in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar? Oh, hang on...
  16. Don't let your wife read this or she'll be on at you to get one...
  17. ^^^^^ Take it in turns to lie next to the car exhaust pipe (science joke)
  18. Didn't you think to grab her handbag and throw it into the next carriage?
  19. Everybody in the West is completely confused by this latest topic as they all drink nothing but Buckfast.
  20. People who skive off work with a paper cut and leave the rest to cover for them.
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