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Everything posted by Passionate

  1. I like a good.moan in the close season, keeps me in the zone, hopefully constructive some of the time. At least we all show a small amount of respect and dignity to each other on Pie and Bovril, the supporters Facebook page that used to be decent is now full of happy clapping fans, needing their egos massaged constantly with seemingly a one opinion only mantra most of the time.... Roll on the euros and forget about the Tattihad Arena (like it) for a couple of days anyway.. Vive la france
  2. We are woefully short on forward players, with Gall and Gabby not been offered deals, Rhys must have replacements in the pipeline.. The only rumours doing the rounds even that is at a push are.. GK.. Johnston Hibs loan Mid.. Aiken. Hibs loan Mid... Armstrong. Spartans RW... Warnock. Ex Killie STR... Fisher... Glentoran fee involved Take your pick , how is your luck
  3. Good news, hopefully Telfer next and I don't think ATS has been confirmed either, interesting that Frizz is looking forward to playing with a raft of exciting new signings as per article, are they here or still to come....
  4. Any more word on the Rhys Armstrong from Spartans rumour that was doing the rounds a couple of weeks back.
  5. Airdries policy which in my opinion is flawed is one year deals unless you are under 23, so get used to this merry go round of players, every team needs a strong base and Ballantyne as Rhys stated before would run through a brick wall for him, Injuries and illness are part and parcel of life, if that is the reason then that is very poor, personally it isn't and the club to me are still not convinced they are an established Championship side and don't want to take the risk of going to the next step.. We need Frizzell and Telfer I am in no doubt they will be offered 1 year deals also, The money league is doing the rounds and with all prize money combined we made 606k last season not including gate receipts.. you don't get that in the seaside league..
  6. To be fair we are stuck with it joma.... Enough said
  7. Don't know what it is about oneils kits, never a fan , this reminds of Scottish schoolboys strips of the 90s.. Not many been revealed so far this season...
  8. Good news on Frizz if confirmed, Telfer is the major resigning if it happens, he made the midfield tick last season..
  9. Good luck to Josh moving on up as they say. So Josh must have declined Airdries offer as well obviously, why does Cammy Ballantyne get an announcement on social media regarding him declining his offer also, just a little odd why mention one only .. So that leaves only Frizzell and Telfer left to resign, cannot say I am too confident, I hope Rhys has it in hand , can consilium dig us out a recruitment blank hole .
  10. See my post a couple back regarding finances, which is likely to be the cause of him not resigning, remember the reason we made the money this year was due to having good players thus winning games which leads to increased crowds etc.. Vice Captain as well so would be one of the higher earners you would think, that's us lost Fordyce, Ballantyne, Gallagher and McGill with still no word on Rae, Telfer and Frizzell. .....
  11. This is the league we have been crying out to be in for years, The money is decent, the football is real, we must stay there, I still get the impression of a 'safety first' mentality , I believe we still have a very strict (limited) wage structure, which is understandable to an extent, last season we spunked wages on Cassidy, Gillespie, Fellows, Kavanagh, Spalding all young players probably on a low wage that contributed nothing, that's probably the guts of 1.5k combined a week, Hopefully that will be put back into the increased budget and get our playmakers signed up Frizzell and Telfer are pivotal to our side are they replaceable they shouldn't need to be, given a competitive championship wages or increased security. Airdrie aways seem to be slow in the close season, plenty going on behind the scenes of course, Pre season starts in a fortnight, 12 signed already probably start with a squad of 20 with the possibility of increasing it by end of sept.. What is a competitive championship wage this season 800 a week..
  12. Can we moan about this signing ... On paper looks an ideal replacement for Fordyce, experienced left sided centre half who is out of his teens, Irish football where does it rate compared to Championship, Hopefully more to come, noticed on a Hibs tweet Aiken is coming back, hopefully the lad Armstrong from Spartans is still on the cards he is a good player so I hear..
  13. I noticed Gerry McLauchlan was released by Gartcairn, he made Simon Mensing look like a choir boy, an old fashioned dirty b*****d,
  14. Is that just your hunch or a bit of the mood music going around,
  15. Pay them the going rate, they are proven players and we need them, if we don't I will guarantee you Ian Murray will..
  16. Are you confident that Frizz, Telfer and Cammy will be resign for this season
  17. Agree totally, only issue for Lyall may be wages, his Rangers wage would be much higher than we could afford.. No mention of ATS or Hutts yet either, ATS is currently the only qualified coach at the club if indeed he is still there..
  18. I don't know if Gabby not being offered a deal is for logistical reasons or performance?, sad to see the lad go , his inconsistency was his consistency, he really came onto a game at the money time of the season, and showed guts in the Thistle game with his shoulder out, he will be a modern day cult hero.. The rest aye ok, free up a few wages. ( How did Dunlop get an extension ?) We need some of our big hitters to resign, Frizz, Telfer, Ballantyne not sure what's happening with Rae...
  19. Can play either side, he is predominantly right footed, but I always thought he was better at left sided CH, good player, his main faults are he is very quiet on the park and can be caught for pace.
  20. As you say it all depends on who comes in, if we don't resign Telfer, Frizz etc due to them wanting competitive championship wages( don't get excited it's only hypothetical FFS(. Does that now make McMaster and Gallagher your experienced players in the side. ?? To be honest we don't really know anything yet, reserve side, under 19s., players retained, released.... As supporters we can only comment on facts that are released by the club and make assumptions, that's what makes football forums what they are,
  21. Indeed he did, but was playing with Formartine in the Highland League second half of last season .
  22. Clutching at straws a little bit , the players mentioned came from teams in the same league or one below The players signed have came from playing in the Lowland League and Highland League that a massive gulf to the Championship,
  23. Welcome back, after serving your time.. What are your expectations for this season, is it the normal happy with 8th place or go for it with the possibility of promotion it looks pretty open this season and. Should be a cracker..
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