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Everything posted by Passionate

  1. The weird thing is this donation \ investment was told to SPL clubs on Monday, Championship on Tuesday, where the figure of 4 million was being freely banded about, Now the diddy clubs get told it is 2 million for 42 clubs. Something doesn't add up here or is it creative journalism at its worst,
  2. If I am being brutally honest I think crowds will be back in November, Listening to a lot of the experts the chances of a vaccine anywhere are slim to none and people who do think so must still out there teeth under the pillow, , so what do you do, give up live off the government's coat tails for ever more...... Football clubs at all levels are businesses with far too much emotion attached to them... Remember the January mooted start, is only being mentioned as a possibility , because clubs are hiding behind the furlough scheme which ends in october and taking every penny out it, after that business as usual regarding signing players basically a pre season until the big kick off on a freezing cold day in January..... Doncaster might try and coax clubs back for an October start by dangling the generous philanthropic gesture in front of the chairnen.. Interesting times
  3. Big problem is they want to attract viewers not scare them off ffs.
  4. If for examp!e all clubs get 100k from this donation, would that be rough to get a team on the park and run till January u until crowds come back, but beware of the second wave and we are all going to die etc etc.... my opinion championsjip, L1 and L2 could operate this way,maybe apart from QOS who's chairman is still refusing to open the curtains...
  5. All clubs are contracted to carry out the requirements set out by the league... Clubs can apply to be a non playing members for a season, But would be due no prize money and an automatic demotion and reapplication required for the following season, All this hibernation and mothballing is usual media drivel that a few coffin dodging clubs have grabbed a hold of.... Doncaster, Maxwell and there cronies can see the tail is trying to wag the dog here expect moreannouncements and fall outs in the coming weeks...
  6. Correct they might banish teams unable to play, but on the other hand, they would not be due any prize money, basically become a non playing members of the league... the governing body realise this fictional Jan 21 start, is because clubs do not want to sign players until furlough ends in October.... If clubs are mothballed for a season, it will take a lot more funding to resurrect a club than it will to keep trading and ticking over in a certain capacity..
  7. One of the main problems is if you shut down football clubs for a year like any business you will struggle to recover and be lost for good.....
  8. Don't forget to work in the second wave to your statement..
  9. Would think the lower teams in the championship would vote for it, Q OS would probably want to vote twice to make sure,
  10. As long as you clean your arses, cos the T H I S T L E will be getting rode senseless up that East coast this coming season.
  11. It used to be fellow diamond el gringo that did the kit avatars, not sure if he posts as much nowadays.
  12. Think about it now can an 18 game season work, income coming from 9 games instead of 18, so basically agreeing to half your income before you start, that must be one of the worst suggestions yet...
  13. Correct , The SPL have pulled up the drawbridge so forget about them,,,, If for example over the remaining 3 leagues 8 teams which is quite possible choose not to play this seaspn, surely the spfl can organise the league's and money distribution to the remain ing teams in order for the teams and businesses to trade, surely they cannot be pulled down by the few..... on the other hand only the SPL survives, courtesy of the sky deal, Thousands of lower league fans take out the sky p package to watch the football, come January the lower leagues begin to get crank up, Good luck trying to get these fans back on a wet and windy January afternoon, when they have been used to Football on the box beer in hand, A January start or a next season start is suicide al s o...
  14. My issue about testing players and staff, when have football players specifying seaside league and junior players became key workers, majority or hope the majority will be working all day in various environments and jobs untested and playing and training in the evening outside for an hour and a half The working man does not get tested why would an Alloa player or a Elgin player for example ,
  15. Sarge, what's the situation with th e juniors, do they come under the same banner of these restrictions, if so they must be screwed also only thing in there favour is social distancing in a lot of clubs won't be a problem due to small numbers, maybe bad timing or basically unlucky joining the pyramid.....
  16. Queen of the South seem scared to even open the curtains, I think they would be a stick on, would imagine Alloa another one, Mulraney was spouting the same push a couple of weeks ago... i don't understand that if 3 clubs wants to scuttle the season it will get voted through, can clubs request to be a non playing members of the league for a season ( juniors used to have that option) if s o replace them with clubs who want to battle on, with a one up, one down policy. The same goes for league 1 and 2 and in those leagues you might get 75 % of clubs voting to cancel the season, what happens to the half dozen who want to play on... Lots of moving and shaking to go on this, always remember the media at all levels do not give a toss about the seaside leagues, we are akin to a "shite" on there shoe and lets never forget it..
  17. I don't know if this has been raised before but can a club sign a released player, sign him when the window opens and put him straight onto furlough....
  18. What we all forget is the media do not care a jot about the lower leagues .. We all seem to be hiding behind this media driven vaccine, which will not come, experts are saying, adapt to the virus like we adapt to colds and flus, chickenpox etc... Time to move on and find a new normal, message boards are full of people shit scared to go out the house in case they get taken out by the invisible sniper.... Football players do not deserve any more treatment on testing , shielding etc than the people who have worked all through this pandemic...... Shop workers, service industry .. Scottish Football has an ideal time to change not just leagues, virtual half time draws, virtual season tickets, on line programmes, plenty ways to make money, online match sponsors have a greater chance of advertising online than a board in a n empty stadium, Time to look up guys, S Scottish Football has been dieing for years, you never know this might work but you will have to go out your front door to find out..
  19. Instead off all this throwing shite at the moon carry on, surely the inquest should be why since Rangers beat Celtic at New Year they then went on there either jollys and came back an abso!ute shambles, this has to be Rangers priority to sort that out... personally my own club has its own issues, but I am fed up listening to this pointless guff that is drowning all levels of Scottish Football.
  20. First Philip Schofield now you. Ffs..... Who's next
  21. Technically you can have a recount, but with only 12 clubs to vote,surely even they cannot balls that up....
  22. Maybe better to narrow it down, was wallet found behind the yellow seats or behind the black.....
  23. Just noticed on another thread, that the Airdrie programme came in 7th out of 8 clubs entered, 2 online programmes don't count in the annual programme awards for league 1 clubs, surprise surprise Clyde took the title with Dumbarton runners up... have football programmes ran there race in 2020, is online programmes the way to go, I know a few of the guys that put in many hours writing articles and stories, this would still continue if online.... Money is tight and will be a lot tighter moving forward,
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