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D Angelo Barksdale

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Everything posted by D Angelo Barksdale

  1. I'm now able to score out 'possibly the Portuguese Attorney General ??' from my G51 profile.
  2. I am absolutely fucking seething that the high cost of rent in Dublin has been pointed out.
  3. The_Welcher's Europhile and staunch credentials taking a massive hit here. Siding with Farage to own the tartan gonks.
  4. That leaving the Eu and immigration are so closely linked that having them as separate options on that poll is slightly misleading.
  5. I would agree that the EU, or leaving it was a pretty minor issue in Scotland outside of the farming and fishing communities. Clearly not so in England though over the past 2 decades, where entwined as it is with 'concerns about immigration', it's caused massive rifts in the tory party, support in local elections for far right parties, and Brexit/Ukip parties comfortably coming 2nd or 3rd in European elections. I think that opinions here are clouded by the fact we had a hegemonic Europhile Labour party for a good chunk of the start of the century, who also enjoyed a certain level of media support from Murdoch.
  6. The massive drop off of 'immigration' at the same time as the massive rise of 'brexit/eu' here is pretty telling no ?
  7. I have no idea what point you're trying to make here.
  8. Would you vote for a man who chose to spend his boxing day watching QOS v Dundee ?
  9. Aye m8, it's all me, Nigel and Aaron ever talk about when we're down the boozer. I've actually had quite a few discussions about the death penalty with others. Usually after an execution in the US, or a particularly horrific crime is committed here. "Peados ? 'Angings too good fur thum"
  10. Again, naive. Some form of UKIP/Brexit party have been around electorally since the mid 90's. Leave has polled as high as 56% way back in 2010 and 2012.
  11. Incredibly naive. Farage got all of that and more without a single seat in WM.
  12. Something something 'managed democracy', something 'performative politics', something something 'manufacturing consent'.
  13. MJC making it into the top 3 worst Rangers posters would be one hell of an each way double.
  14. Lolwut, this surely can't even be in the top 20 ?
  15. I think you're being a bit harsh here. Who amongst us has not woken up one morning and completely forgotten they posted on a Scottish football forum for years before finally remembering once their team was no longer dogshit ?
  16. Kincy has already explained it to you. Stop being a paranoid mess.
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