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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. The 'Tories aren't conservative' enough is always an interesting discussion.
  2. Biden's old Senate campaign material.
  3. There isn't two classes of MSPs though. That's your (and some others) personal perceptions. The parliament is 1 member 1 vote and list MSPs can represent their constituents interests (lol) hold office or fulfil roles just the same. STV is more complicated and would piss people off. The ballot papers could stretch to pages and pages and I and others cannot be fucked drawing a cock and balls multiple times. 130 giant constituencies is madness I'm afraid unless you think hampering or preventing smaller parties and independents running is a good thing due to the increased cost of travelling, campaigning and canvassing. Especially in Nothern Scotland, where the spread of population is so thin, which would make almost everything north of the Central Belt and Perth/Dundee into 1 or 2 constituencies.
  4. We would need this for the candidates also.
  5. I think something similar to what we have at Holyrood could work at Westminster. Constituency MPs with a list vote. Would need to be part of a wider overhaul of the entire hollowed out, rotting system though.
  6. Jaqui Smith back too, in the Lords and in the government.
  7. It's all the woke, bald fraud Guardiola's fault. At the elie level, tactics now are either a variation of tiki taka or combating it. Robot players, machine football.
  8. First round in over a month this morning and it's the hickories
  9. They got 167, 000 votes in Scotland. Almost twice the amount of the Greens, doing barely any campaigning up here.
  10. Those true colours always come out in the end.
  11. Said it earlier, but they should have just called Spain Germany the final and sacked the rest of it. And after the atrocities like France Portugal I'd like UEFA to keep these teams apart like they do with Serbia Kosovo.
  12. The Swiss looking every bit the bunch of jobbers that huffed and puffed against us earlier.
  13. England looking better than they have done in the tournament so far against a stronger side in Switzerland. Saka getting joy down the right and the press is good. Still underwhelming though and the defence still looks suspect.
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