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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Lib Dems missed a trick not picking Moran alongside this tack to the left imo. Going to be funny watching them outflank Sir Keith.
  2. The bald fraud getting found out again is it ?
  3. Celtic to win comfortably, unfortunately. Think we get overrun in the midfield.
  4. Bad take. Leeds will finish top half. Sheffield United won't hit the hights of last season but will comfortably avoid relegation.
  5. That consolation goal was a sickener for my fantasy team, so a great big f**k you to everyone involved. Holding MJC personally responsible.
  6. She wasn't Brexity enough for the ghouls who really run things. Emptying her also helps the press manufacture the narrative of Johnson and the Tories running as the anti establishment candidates, despite being in power for 10 years. Watch for the same trick being pulled when they get fed up with Boris. Zero sympathy though. The architect of the hostile environment and windrush can get in the fucking bin. Grenfell was also on her watch. Cuntress.
  7. What a country this is. Just a completely unserious, rainy, racist little island.
  8. Chairman Mao should stick to purging landlords imo.
  9. Who the f**k, in the year of our lord 2020, is putting Falkirk in this list ?
  10. Salty tears from Murray again. You love to see it. English is just confirming his status as a troll rather than a serious journalist. To have access to and be informed of all the information, then still act like he does, can only mean he's a complete moron, or he's at it.
  11. He should do more stuff like this imo. 4 days to go till the debates.
  12. I'm just going to call the phone in everyday to ask why Neil was in Epstein's black book.
  13. Kincy certainly puts on a show for the gallery, but whether he's trolling or not, it does show that the whole breadth of unionism, from 2012 Olympics type libs to the far right orange supremacists have learned precisely nothing since 2014 and also have no idea how to fix it either.
  14. Kincy gets a lot of stick for being a drunk, but I think he's just high after huffing the farts of a dying empire.
  15. Labour are fucked because they need to win back the 'red wall' and Scotland to have any chance of governing. The messaging they think is required to win back the red wall like doing a brexit, flag shagging, thinking Britain and it's decrepit institutions are sexy and letting are brave boys do war crimes is inevitably going to go down like a lead balloon up here. Equally, giving Jockistan permission to have a referendum, or chucking more money at the subsidy junkies won't play well down south with their coveted Daily Express columnist demographic.
  16. Just reminded of Alexander being emptied by Black in 2015. Delicious.
  17. Surprised Pollard hasn't started screaming antisemitism at them.
  18. Texas is now a swing state with a big electoral college total and will probably turn blue. This is balanced out somewhat by the true blue rust belt states turning purple and red. Also worth remembering that the GOP are the undisputed masters of gerrymandering. I can't see them sitting ildly by as demographics contrive to guarantee a democrat president.
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