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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Greggs to close in Lochee. https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/greggs-set-to-close-high-street-branch-despite-pleas-from-dundee-folk/ And the Tully have provided a handy Greggs Training video clip.
  2. "Stores like this attract the degenerates of society. I understand that they need to shop somewhere however you didn't see benefit cheats, single mothers and their feral brood flock to Whole Foods."
  3. Sounds like the start of a Willie Nelson song. The Ballad of the Burning Queen of Hearts.
  4. Likes man who used to play for Celtic and scored goals against Rangers (RIP). Dislikes man who has nothing to with celtic but who’s dad supports Celtic.
  5. Shame. All my nails fell out on Sunday because i was laughing so hard at Sevcos pummelling.
  6. Madagascar ya fanny Then the curly haired twat should put it on his menu.
  7. Put that in Saints “Allan Storrer” font and you’ve got a winner.
  8. Are all the two-dimensional plant (male) records too difficult to break?
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