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Everything posted by philpy

  1. That's us just got the letter from the government.
  2. Unhinged, weird individual. Accuses people of making up stories, and red dots people on the depression thread.
  3. 5 a-side, rushy goalie, first to ten is the winner.
  4. Ragu tagliatelle with cheese and onion bread.
  5. They were. Just in the washing machine with 2 of the wee tab things, and fabric conditioner, then on for 30 mins. Then I went over them with warm soapy water then wiped over with a damp cloth.
  6. Cleaned up some old trainers (no, not those fucking ones!!) not a bad effort considering both pairs are over 5 years old [emoji16]
  7. I genuinely don't want to win the league this way. There won't be any way for the fans to celebrate as group along with the team, no pitch invasions, nowt.
  8. Update from Saturday's musings. Neighbour that I grassed on's mother has fallen out with another neighbour as she thinks she phoned the police as she had a go at her about going to other folks houses. The thing is, they work together [emoji102]
  9. Top goalscorer from italia 90. What a player.
  10. It's alright, the mallo will be along soon to accuse him of lying.
  11. Volunteered for the musselburgh and District resilience team, picking up food parcels etc for the vulnerable that can't get out for stuff and then delivering them.
  12. Should have bought this one. Very good. https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb669prw-130bar-pressure-washer-1-8kw-240v/5014j
  13. Oh mallo, you are such a fool, Red dotting on p&b, Cos you think it's cool
  14. Blackface sheep!! Too fucking easy. Next!!
  15. Ha! I thought the most ironic thing was that with Arthur's seat being a volcano at one point, it's pretty fitting that the photo looks like it's erupting [emoji23]
  16. Genuinely can't believe that the cretin thought I'd lie about phoning the police [emoji23][emoji23][emoji1787][emoji1787]. f**k me, I Could screenshot the evidence and I'd still be a liar in his eyes [emoji23][emoji23].
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