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Everything posted by philpy

  1. On the wife's plate. I can't stand carrots or any green veg.
  2. Must be the day for Sunday roasts. [emoji16]
  3. No speed limit, but it's always a busy street when there's lots of cars parked. The 20mph thing was only a rough guess. I don't have a speed gun for f**k sake. There are a lot of young kids in the street, and if for any reason one of them runs out between parked cars she won't have much breaking distance or time to react.
  4. Fat bitch driving a white mini has a habit of whizzing up the street at about 20mph, and if she doesn't slow down she'll end up knocking a kid down. The wife finally pulled her up about it, only to be met with a torrent of abuse. Silly cow.
  5. Leaning out of bedroom windows to smoke cigarettes.
  6. Fowl play at the esk in musselburgh. The pigeons had nothing to doo with it.
  7. Payday, only one thing for it. Was only £7.50 as well, on offer.
  8. "the money was just resting in my account"
  9. The girl from the office (wid not) constantly complains about the toilet smelling after people using it. I'm going to start eating roses to make my shites smell better [emoji849][emoji849]
  10. Hmmm. 3x2 treated Cls. Should fine outside for a day or two.
  11. Will the judge let me off with murder if I say constant loud chewing of gum was the motivation for the killing??
  12. On the subject of supporting your local team, my dad isn't into football, and neither was my grandad, the males on my mums side are/were into football, but never really supported any teams as such, apart from one uncle who like me, is a raith supporter. So I had the pleasure of not having the risk of not being dragged to ibrox or parkhead every week, thank f**k. Don't get too much games due to being in East Lothian now and working till lunchtime on Saturdays, but I'll go and watch musselburgh athletic now and again, rather than hibs or hearts.
  13. Which butchers if you don't mind me asking?? I've had stuff from anderson's before, fairly decent.
  14. I served a posh c**t at work today, he had a wee boy with him, called felix. I was tempted to get the wee c**t a saucer of milk.
  15. Never even knew about the Bonnyrigg one. One in Dalkeith is shite, and the guys at Finlays are arseholes.
  16. Try and buy local produce as much as possible, there isn't a butchers in musselburgh for a start though. Anytime I'm out and about I'll try and stop at a butchers if I find a decent one, I never buy steaks from a supermarket.
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