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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Hope your name is ok Bert. My mum went through the same, been in remission for over ten years now. Caught it early enough, had a wee op and the treatment.
  2. Between today and yesterday, I've had FIVE hangover shites.
  3. Not everyone can drink it. I once made the mistake of ordering a large "cafe caramelo" once in Costa, was the size of a fucking soup bowl. Sent me Haywire, thought I was going to have a heart attack at one point. Now i can't touch the stuff.
  4. Haud the bus. I've been ripped by someone who eats cold toast, someone who's football club died, and someone who wears shitey loafers. Bloody hypocrites, the lot of you.
  5. I thought it was the names of the top dealers in inverkeithing.
  6. Off to a wedding reception tonight, so the wife has talked me into putting one of those cleansing masks on that you peel off after 20 mins to clean my skin up. In 20 minutes I'm either going to look George clooney or Simon Weston.
  7. Make her go, and book yourself as well. Then you can shag them both.
  8. I went for lunch with a taxidermist the other day. By the time I'd finished I was stuffed.
  9. We've got a younger lad (22) been with us just over 3 months, good worker when he puts his mind to it, but despite being caught by the boss on numerous occasions, he can't go more than 2 minutes without using his phone.
  10. dunno if RR is being serious. Surely holding a shite in could do you damage eventually??
  11. My friend has been sacked from his taxi job. The customers didn't appreciate him going the extra mile.
  12. Someone from the office put a notice up above the sink in the canteen telling folk "wash your dishes, cups and cutlery up after yourselves". They are the worst culprits ironically.
  13. Must be the week for it, I've to go for an x-ray as the doctor thinks I've damaged a tendon in my left shoulder. Been put on 500mg of naproxen to ease the pain.
  14. A bit like general nonsense on here then aye??
  15. See the silver Astra next to the white fiesta?? She's the instigator at times. Comes in from nightshift, planks the car right in the middle instead of parking at one end, or next to someone who's parked at the end.
  16. Silly cow in the white Vauxhall. 3 other spaces there as well, near enough blocking me in. She's had her car hit before while parked like that, you'd think she'd have learned her lesson.
  17. See those black people that sing in churches in America?? I wouldn't take it as gospel.
  18. What do you fucking want?? A pat on the back?? A watch?? Eh? Eh?
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