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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I went for a haircut today, in a recently opened barbers shop, I was even given a nip of whisky while I was waiting. Very nice touch.
  2. I dreamt I walked into the miners welfare club down the road, and there was a hamburger eating contest ran by the handmade burger co. I filled in the entry forms, ate a load of burgers, and ignored the 30 minute time slot, and kept on scoffing burgers and filled a carrier bag full of them and went home, and two days later I got a letter from a debt collection agency chasing me for £250 quid for the burgers, as I technically didn't take part in the competition, they claimed.
  3. She'll be talking to someone, and will inadvertently tell them what we've been up to - such as "oh, we went for a walk yesterday, then had some lunch" Then she'll look at me and say "didn't we??" Yes, you know fine well we Fucking did, so why ask me?? ETA - a bit like this
  4. Well, that's dundee's coach off then. Never expected that.
  5. Paid a visit to Nando's tonight for the first time. Average at best.
  6. I get on fine with the office staff, two drivers and the younger lad that's with us in the yard. The foreman, however, is a tit. Ex navy, wants everything done to military precision. Can't delegate tasks, and just Fucks about putting stock away all day. Doesn't interact with the customers either, and lacks any sense of humour whatsoever.
  7. Wee treat with the last of my birthday cash.
  8. Ooohya. That must a be a nightmare with the wee one, hope you get it fixed!
  9. The wife is involved in a tenants and residents group in the village, and uses the dining room table as her office, but she is never capable of tidying the Fucking thing up when she's finished.
  10. Cups. Usually with a half a cup of tea still in them. Always left lying on the table.
  11. That was probably the last time that woman was seen alive...
  12. f**k sakes, could have made that a bit harder.
  13. I can tell you, it's very Fucking far from over.
  14. Boom!! There it is. That's the sky telly off now!
  15. Fuxake. Post edited, ersehole. The 3.5 mile walk and the sun must have got to my head.
  16. Or the idiots that claim they are "holding the table" even though they've not played someone for about two hours. Give it up and let someone else play.
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