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Everything posted by philpy

  1. "Raising hell"??? More like 10 family size bags of chocolate raisins....
  2. Fiat stands for "fix it again tommorow", I'll have you know.
  3. Farah's no a drugs cheat, he's just running faster to get to the shiter after eating all that quorn pish.
  4. 70th minute substitute, serving 15 on the checkout in the last 20 minutes, then stacking a full shelf in injury time??
  5. Well, they've delivered shingles quicker than the they deliver parcels.
  6. Ah right. The wife just pointed that out. I've been feeling crap and aching all day, but just put that down to an extremely busy week at work.
  7. The wife has the shingles. Thank f**k I've had chickenpox before.
  8. Paddy walks into the fruit and veg shop. "Can I get a pound of bananas" It's kilos these days, says the shop guy "Ok then, I'll have a pound of kilos then" says paddy.
  9. Hmmmm.. Adam didn't buy a Glass topped coffee table for his new place did he??
  10. Sitting down to a meal in the house, and asking me to get something for her just as I'm about to start eating.
  11. Tourists with no fucking manners. Just parked up along chambers Street, had just opened the car door when all of a sudden some foreign c**t decided to lean on the car whilst taking a picture, leaning into my door while I was trying to get out. I opened the door and battered the c**t square in the stomach, ignorant fuckwit.
  12. Well, how shite was that today?? Muddy as f**k. Had a portion of spring rolls between us, a pint of lager, and a few samples. Lucky if we were there for half an hour.
  13. Is there an Alloa fan Called Steven who posts on here?? Got chatting to him at the madness gig last night, very sound bloke.
  14. I genuinely have no idea what happened with quoting that post 3 Times.
  15. Everyone enjoy madness then?? Bloody brilliant. The farm were good as well.
  16. Im at the madness gig in Falkirk with the wife, just been watching "the farm" (band from the 90s). Brilliant.
  17. Aaah man. I used to love watching the Italian football show on channel 4 all these years ago.
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