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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I see this happening in Asda all the time. It's always the same group of people every night, no c**t else gets a chance.
  2. You missed a opportunity of added comedy by not saying "Juan random Spanish punter"
  3. Those were the words of his wife. My missus knows her sister.
  4. Cheers for not being a c**t with that reply, shandy.
  5. I was driving along Musselburgh High street listening to the penalties on the radio. Forgot I had the window down, and got a few looks when I shouted "f**k SAKE ROVERS YOU USELESS c***s" at the top of my voice
  6. Mcglynn has a good job at Celtic and is going nowhere. That's a given.
  7. A genuine question about something i always wondered about. A ten minute half for instance - the clock has to run the equivalent of 45 minutes during the Game in that time frame. I just wondered how the Game developers go about doing that. Christ, even the wife knows what i mean, and she doesn't have a clue about about FIFA games.
  8. This has been bugging me for ages - when you are playing Fifa on a games console, on say, ten minute halves, how do the game makers run the clock to 45 minutes per half??
  9. Going, going, gone. Can't be arsed with salad, and hate chilli sauce. A wee bit of Heinz ketchup does me.
  10. King nan kebab. Washed down with a multitude of lagers. I Fucking need it.
  11. We have a winner. Aye, and right also about the 16.50 bit - the driver finishes at 4.30.
  12. Clue - you place things on it, and it moves.
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