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Everything posted by philpy

  1. This. My wife is concerned that won't be sitting next to each other on our flight to Malta. Not the end of the world.
  2. My bosses themselves at our depot have been great, but they get no support from head office whatsoever.
  3. Chin up mate. I'm due to go back to my work on Monday, can't really afford to take another week off, I've got an interview on Friday for another job, so hopefully I'll be handing my notice in when I go back on Monday. I don't feel a fraud for job hunting while I'm signed off, at the end of the day I need to think about myself.
  4. I'm not going on holiday till September, and I'm seething about the luggage already.
  5. Got an interview this week for a new job, just awaiting a phonecall tommorow to confirm a time.
  6. Who the f**k was daft enough to ride her in the first place??
  7. Imagine someone eating crisps and chocolate. How fucking dare they.
  8. For the first time in my life, I've attempted to make a sponge cake. I await the end product with trepedation.
  9. It's 10 times better than where we were before, the wimpeys, better known to the locals as "giro row"
  10. I've never been near him. In fact, I despise Bono even more.
  11. Recently re-Instated P&B regular standfree03 won a Guinness book of records award for spending the longest amount of time playing world of Warcraft in a pish stained bedsit.
  12. This was posted in gumtree today. Fucking hell....
  13. I did, I asked what you meant, but in answer to your question, not that I know of, why??
  14. Not sure how they are fixing it, the housing inspector has to pop round first.
  15. Something that's in the process of being taken care of, courtesy of the council.
  16. It's just annoying as hell mozzarella, the amount of times me and some of the neighbours can't get parked. The people in the houses over the back had the same issue a few years ago, a disabled guy conmplained to the council and they came and marked out spaces with white line paint.
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