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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Folk who visit neighbours in our street and can't even park right. Check out the black corsa. The guy who has the silver astra is just as bad.
  2. Just typed out a cover letter for a job, and hit the wrong button and deleted the whole thing.
  3. Them all. I have a genuine fear of insects, in any shap or form. In the late 90's, I worked at the canon printer factory in glenrothes, some of the insects that came out of the crates that came from Japan were rather scary.
  4. Went to the gym, had a steam room session and a jacuzzi as well, helped me a bit. Going to use my time this week to do some job hunting as well.
  5. That's a bit shite, surely there's a mate or family member who'll help you until payday?? If i found out that a mate was in that predicament I'd help them no problem.
  6. Following on from my earlier musings, that's me Been signed off for a week. The wife is taking care of household duties, but now I've not a clue about how to keep myself and my mind active.
  7. At a BBQ tonight, and somebody turns up in this.
  8. Watch you don't hurt your back with All that digging up of the past you are doing.
  9. I was dreaming that I was driving in a thunderstorm, and that the car was juddering and skidding, and just as the Lightning was about to strike, something fell over in the bedroom. I've never jumped up so fast in all my life.
  10. Anyone can be David guetta. All you need is a USB stick with some shitey dance music and a bunch of gullible people.
  11. Had a shit week, struggling to cope at work just now, had basically no sleep last night, and 2 panic attacks. This morning topped it off though. Decided to take the wife to her work, then head to my work to try and just get on with things, but for some reason i ignored a red light at a crossing, and missed An old guy and his dog by about a foot. Pulled over, burst into tears and headed home. Just waiting on a doctor phoning me so I can get things off my chest a bit.
  12. Hark at all the usual suspects making themselves out to be experts on life.
  13. I chuckle at the thought of you saying "windae" in some sort of broken transatlantic twang, just like Lulu.
  14. We need to set up a donner appeal to help him out.
  15. If you are married to a Rangers fan, it's an everyday thing sadly.
  16. Hardly, I've got a post up on the bargain basement thread. Unlucky chump.
  17. One of my Mates fell down some steps near the grassmarket on Friday night, he is now in hospital with a fractured skull, and possible bleeding on the brain.
  18. Selling a car stereo on gumtree, got a message from a guy Saying he would buy it, and he's changed the time for Collecting it about ten times already, today tops the lot - "running late, can't make it for 11, is 1pm ok?" Yep, i'll just sit inside on a day like this, waiting on you. Idiot. If he does it again, he's getting told to f**k off.
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