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Everything posted by philpy

  1. My mum and my wife had a big bust-up on Monday night. The wife was the main instigator, but refuses to accept it. They fell out about something over the phone, so my mum and dad decided to drive over from Fife to sort things out, but my wife wouldn't let them in, so I tried to be the peacemaker, I managed to get the 2 of them in the same room, but it wasn't very civil. I ended up going for a walk for about 3 hours, switched my phone off and when I switched it back on I had umpteen messages from the wife, who was very apologetic. Me and the missus are fine, but now my mum doesn't want to speak to the wife, saying that she won't be back here, and that the wife isn't welcome at my parents' house. They have no issue with me, and it's a very awkward situation that I'm really struggling to deal with. I just can't get my head around the fact that the likes of xmas and new year will hardly be happy family celebrations, and that 2 of the most important people in my life have fallen out.
  2. Yaaaaaasss!! Buttery biscuit base
  3. Hayfever. Just f**k right off. Every morning, I take a spoonful of honey, a tablet, eye drops, and a Nasal spray, but none of it works.
  4. Turn the heating up full blast and turn the windows down.
  5. My car is knackered, to say the least. The electrode has broken off one of the spark plugs, causing oil to leak out, and breaking one of the Pistons. Not looking forward to the estimate one bit.
  6. She should have a claws written in to her birth certificate to change her name when she is older.
  7. "Asdar fm" no, you silly English bint, ASDA doesn't have an "r" in it.
  8. I misread that as "knifed" at first. That would have been one for the RTBC thread if that was the case.
  9. It is pretty obvious that the daily record has picked up a few things from his facebook page. The best thing he could do is make his page only visible to friends. This has been pointed out to him but he doesn't seem to care. I went to school and grew up with the guy, so I'm gutted for him losing his boy, but he needs to watch what he is saying, as i said before.
  10. Agreed. Yes, the Grief is affecting him very badly, but he needs to watch how he vents his anger towards the driver and his family.
  11. Received my passport documents yesterday to sign and send back, but the idiots spelt my surname wrong on the cover Letter. The spelling is fine on all the documents, but I phoned them to be on the safe side, and I now have to send a cover letter back with the paperwork to ensure that my name is correct on the passport. What a pain in the arse.
  12. One of my old school friends lost his son in a car crash this morning. 16 years old. What a sin.
  13. Bombscare?? For bombscare, try Ross Perry. At least hill tried!!
  14. I'm moving to the Netherlands to open a hardware store. I'm calling it "tools holland".
  15. No wonder half the people in Livingston looked so sombre today. I'm still aching with laughter.
  16. Ian Murray was in Tony macaroni in livi with his wife today. He signed 3 italian waiters before he left.
  17. Don't be racist, it cost me a weeks ban!!
  18. Smokers. Dirty, horrible habit. Our house is on an end terrace, and passers-by seem to think they can just throw fag ends into our front garden or chuck them on the grass at the side of the house. I'm sorry if i offend any smokers on here, but it's just unacceptable.
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