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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Ach, sorry for rambling on folks. Been bottling this up for a bit my wife is struggling with various health issues (nothing serious, thankfully) that the GP's can't get to the bottom of, she's not coping too well, and neither am I. I feel useless at times, simply because I don't know how to deal with things and I always end up saying the wrong things. Has anyone else been in the same situation?? If so, how do you address the issues and problems??
  2. Shut up. Things can affect folk in different ways, if someone else had written it I wouldn't make an issue about it. One of my closest friends is going through a hard time and I feel crap that I'm not just down the road from him, he never seems to answer anyone's calls either which is a concern at times.
  3. Right, need to get this off my chest. My moods aren't the greatest just now, and I think it's due to the social aspects of my life. While I'm enjoying married life, I'm beginning to wonder if moving away from home was such a good idea, I still keep in touch with most of my old friends, but I never get the chance to have a pint in the pub with them, and when I see their photos and status updates on facebook, I always feel a bit shite that I'm not there with them, and for some reason I always end up feeling quite down about it. Don't get me wrong, I've made a good few friends over here (East lothian) but I've not got the circle of friends that I had back in fife. I don't want to pester folk into going for a few pints or try to fit into cliques, but it's starting to affect my moods, as i said.
  4. Thank f**k for Facebook, ive always wondered what snow looked like.
  5. Bored tonight, so I fired up my old playstation 2. Brilliant fun.
  6. Last night's one - I was wandering around tesco doing my shopping, when all of a sudden none other than p&bs very own monster picked me up, threw me in a trolley, ran out the doors with the trolley, where we were whisked into a limo and taken to a TV studio, where Ayrgirl was taking part In the final of the great british bake-off, where me and monster got pished and shouted abuse at the contestants. Ayrgirl got a bit upset by her husband's cheek, and In true slapstick style, made a custard pie and hit monster right square in the dish with it.
  7. The cold weather playing havoc with my bladder, (I'm only 37 before anybody uses the age thing) I could have filled a large paddling pool today.
  8. Can I use your dictaphone?? Naw, use Yer finger like every c**t else.
  9. People that spell and pronounce the word "wardrobe" as "wardrope"
  10. Folk that leave dishes piled up in the draining rack rather than put them away.
  11. She was talking to you. Through the telly!! Woooooooooo
  12. Jesus. What they doing up there?? Works are starting at the foot of the walk as well. Leith is bad enough at times without that. I was taking the wife up to the community centre at moredun tonight and had yet another detour due to roadworks. You can tell it's the end of the financial year eh??
  13. As long as you dont cross any solid white lines (don't do it) then you really don't need to still be on the slip road the whole way along.
  14. Never said its against the rules, it just looks daft when you see someone doing it, either that or it infuriates you when you hang back to let them across in to the lane. (if you can't get across into the right hand lane that is)
  15. Another rant about drivers - this time, people who for some daft reason decide to come off the slip road at the very end of them. What is the point???
  16. Other drivers who take ages to pull away after traffic lights change to green
  17. I thought about that, but how would the old dears get past my car with their trolleys??
  18. Wee question for livi fans - I'm heading through to the raith game in a couple of weeks, where is the best place to park?? (The cheapest please, I'm a fifer mind!)
  19. On a supermarket note, the new Aldi in gilmerton opened today. People queued from TWO O'CLOCK in the morning to get a golden ticket of some sort. Deary me.
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