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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Just had a wee think about what you said there gaz, you might be right i think. Sorry, its been a long day
  2. It is a strange one gaz, im still trying to get my head round it. We had a team meeting before the end of the shift, and we were told that an investigation will take place, and also that she has 2 slipped discs in her back as a result of the incident. There have been been a couple of rumours going around, including one saying that she also did it to get more time off. Personally i think if thats her attitude towards the company then they should bring someone else to do her job.
  3. Safety issues come into the bonus as well for some reason stewarty, its a complicated matter, we are an american-owned company and the yanks seem to do everthing a different and complicated way. One of the lads tried to stop a pallet with valueable goods from toppling over at xmas time and hurt his back and was disciplined, and we lost our bonus then as well. And as for you not belivieng that the woman did it on purpose, belive me stewarty, the woman seems to have permanent PMT and takes the huff at the slightest thing.
  4. Our manager was doing interviews at the time, and for some reason wasnt made aware of the incidents until later.
  5. My nag for the day - We have a quarterly performance-related pay scheme at work. We also have a stupid daft woman who has been off for the last six months for some reason. She started back this week and seemingly overheard two other people talking about how being off for a long amount of time could how much PRP she would get. Now instead of doing the sensible thing and enquiring about it, she goes and tells someone that she is going to cock up the PRP on purpose. This afternoon she "accidentally" trips over a pallet and puts her back out, thus losing everyone their PRP. I stand to lose £400 on next weeks pay because of this, money which would be handy for the summer holidays. Lets just say if and when she returns to work she will not be a popular figure, not just with me but with everyone.
  6. Hurry up and get aff the phone, im needing to use it. Artist - my old man.
  7. I watched "my name is joe" on film four last night. Thought it was ok, but i wouldnt rush out and buy it. Oh and for anyone interested, "goodfellas" is on C4 tonight at 10.pm.
  8. Dont know why so many people think drinking water is a great hangover cure, all it does is make you piss every 10 minutes.
  9. Aye, i can just imagine you dressed as a cheerleader. Well, on second thoughts maybe not. The image im seeing in my mind at the moment isnt pretty
  10. And? no-one asked you to, so why are you moaning about it?
  11. there eeeees!!!

  12. Here's a wee photo of what keith will look like by xmas........
  13. ....... says the boy who had a haircut like a fireman's helmet at school.
  14. Had a skinhead once, never again. I looked like uncle fester.
  15. Chill out man, it was a sarcastic, tongue-in cheek comment.
  16. You're about 5ft nothing. Ruggy's a bigger lad. Contest over. Log off your p.c before you embarrass yourself anymore
  17. I know eh? hard to believe i have friends away from here isnt it? get a grip
  18. We have what i call the "everything" neighbours. They seem to buy nearly every new product that is advertised on t.v, and they are not the most security-concious people either, they have a summerhouse with a t.v and dvd player inside, and they dont even have the brains to put blinds or curtains up so that anyone wouldnt be able to see the stuff and break in.
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