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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. But the clubs voting by and large aren’t doing so because they don’t like Hearts or Thistle. And in several cases clubs are accepting losing their play off promotion opportunity - which is absolutely no small thing - because they have taken on board a bigger picture.
  2. Not talking about voting, talking about your bias driving your views whereas you might get a better understanding by taking a more rounded view - enough anyway for me as that means there is no real dialogue. Here is a simple question - ‘Is it fair that Cowdenbeath have lost their opportunity of promotion through the play offs?’
  3. Thistle fans like Hearts and Rangers fans seem to see all this through their own prisms - suggest you need to take a more 3 dimensional approach and realise that it isn’t personal and arguably there might be some principled belief that this is the best way forward in a dreadful situation. Now you might disagree but accusing others of acting through spite, self interest and stupidity just might not be wholly true
  4. Seems like propaganda - with the tactic now being to step that up
  5. Maybe they didn’t vote because of self interest but because it was felt the best solution where difficult choices have to be made. I also suspect that the threat of legal action (as also in previous Rangers situation) and as hyped up at the last minute by Les Deans isn’t conducive to getting folks onside?
  6. This all comes back to the unicorn belief that there is some magic formula that ensures there are no losers - this latest version sees 6 clubs in play off places miss out but 5 other clubs in play off places arbitrarily are now gifted promotion. Fair in Partick, Falkirk and Hearts eyes now as they become beneficiaries?
  7. Why would it be - they might just receive a nominal sum. The £millions they are allegedly seeking is turnover based which isn’t a true loss
  8. Yes a great little puff piece - is this bullying and coercion in action?
  9. Yes but you use those executive powers to decide up front not to override a vote/resolution you put to the members under the rules
  10. You guys obviously have little experience of these sort of situations and are easily swayed by your own bias.
  11. That’s just your opinion and the same old threat everyone uses when they try and use the legal card. The reality is that Hearts don’t have so strong a case as to have anyone quaking in their boots.
  12. How is nobody disadvantaged when 6 clubs in play off positions are not promoted but ICT, Falkirk, Edinburgh City, Kelty and Brora who have no greater right to a promotion place are?
  13. The SPFL is a lean organisation with limited staff numbers - that was the doing of the SPL clubs who broke away from the SFL. They wanted control and as much cash as possible so minimised the admin and personnel spend. The same set up was then imported into the SPFL - so that plus the voting system was driven by big clubs such as Hearts
  14. They won't be furloughed when they return to work and the government will then pay nowt. They can choose to work then or have no pay.
  15. Well presumably their players will accept reduced wages rather than not having a job and that some sort of fan income is generated
  16. Makes me laugh this worship of qc opinions which are basically an opinion on what grounds they could make a case. They will 9 times out of 10 come up with something but that doesn’t mean they will win and that opposing QC can’t readily counter these arguments and provide other info and context that the court finds compelling
  17. The Pyramid retains its credibility - this is a unique season. There is no scope for play offs this season due to Covid. So Kelty, Cowden, Edinburgh City, Falkirk, Brora, etc all unfortunately lose out. I am not sure suggesting that 2 clubs should be given promotion as compensation for one of them not getting a play off opportunity is a fair solution? This isn’t a debate about auto promotion/relegation it is about a play off situation
  18. It’s unlikely to be challenged by HMRC who will have a lot more on their plate and more serious cases to deal with - again given likely delay in restarting football and uncertainty re player situation and the state of the game keeping players on for a month or two before finally deciding on whether they should be retained isn’t very contentious. But if you have made definitive decisions re who you will keep or not for next season whenever it is then there is more of a moral question.
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