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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. Says Billy big time! Refuse to take part and you would lose a good deal more
  2. No the game at Cliftonhill was when Keith swallowed his tongue and stopped breathing and an ambulance was required
  3. That was memorable as Flannery spent all his time trying to avoid meeting up with him again after he went over the ball to Keith at Boghead. It looked as though Keith had a broken leg but that didn't stop him getting up on one leg and hopping around the pitch trying to get hold off Flannery who ran for his life. It took a wee while but Keith got him back at Central Park. The other Dumbarton classic I recall is when one of their players lobbed the ball back to their goalie Kenny Meechan. There was a bit of pace on it and when it bounced he tried to head it away but only succeeded in heading it into his own net.
  4. Injured in Rangers game, needs an op and is more or less certain to hang up his boots
  5. Postie Andy at the Golden Gates, Big Stuart shouting to Pasquale Bruno, Eric Archibald v George McLuskey come to mind - then there was Neil Irvine dumping the said Tommy Burns on the track and then Tommy being red carded. Oh and Raymie and his punch in the pus
  6. I would have thought that Queens would have had a fair smattering of old school tie and merchant class potential backers - more external wealth than for example you would expect from say Cowdenbeath
  7. A genius with a football - mind you he could be a prima Donna. One of his favourite tricks was to lob the ball over an opponent's head and run round him to collect the ball. He loved to dribble round the keeper and roll it into the net. It's so long ago but I can still picture him scoring from 25 yards off the bar at East End Park, a stunner in the home match v Hibs, a lob over the goalie v St Johnstone and a bicycle kick goal in the season before we won promotion when he first came into the team.
  8. That was Billy McGann - an incredible shot stopper but one of the smallest goalies ever. Airdrie's Drew Jarvie virtually ended his Cowden career by scoring 4 goals past him in a top flight clash - more than one goal being lobbed over Billy's head.
  9. We would only be due monies if Greg was transferred cross border before his present contract ended and a transfer fee was paid by the buying club to the selling club. So do not believe anything will be payable - previously Birmingham paid Dundee a fee when under contract at Dens. We received £7680 from Birmingham for that. Then Aberdeen obviously paid a fee the first time Greg was loaned to them by Birmingham - we received £3000 from Aberdeen. We obviously received nothing from Dundee when they signed Greg as they waited till after his contract expired in the season of his 23rd birthday so they could sign him without any compensation or development contribution being payable.
  10. Greg never looks fit that is just his style - he had that look at Cowden as well. Kenny Dalglish often didn't look fit but that was an illusion. McInnes signed Greg for a second time and then put him again into a system that didn't work for Greg. Nobody making runs so he can slip the ball through, nobody showing for him and hitting a return pass, and so on.
  11. No it's only Dunfermline who got confused and think that Falkirk's some sort of Derby!
  12. At present can confirm 1 signing to be announced on 11/12 June. Jason Talbot is still awaiting an op and expected he will hang up his boots. It is interesting to see how things such as transfers windows, Bosman and minimum wage impact on things. Most players now will have 52 week contracts -June to June. Thus Swann, McGurn, loanees, etc are still Cowden players at present. Players are not released nowadays - they leave on expiry of their contracts unless a release is mutually agreed (with some sort of deal being done re cash quite often). You cant therefore sign most players until next window opens in a week or so. Until not so long ago, some part time teams didn't pay any wages until the first Competitive game often just before the end of July. Now players are paid from day they sign (hence there is actually a financially benefit to have signings just before the first game rather than just when the window opens - although we budget all players for a 52 week contract). You also need to ensure players have full holiday leave in their contract period. That has pushed players wages up in L2 and the trapdoor has also boosted them further. There are no £10/£50 a week players now!
  13. Partly as a consequence of licensing requirements - they do help drive a more structured, professional approach overall
  14. Not aware of hearing about any signings from third parties though? And again in the world of instant communication very difficult to stop info getting out sometimes before there is a chance for an official announcement.
  15. There was no serious attempt made re this - there were various suggestions from some senior clubs (not particularly SPFL) that if juniors weren't joining the pyramid they should not continue to enjoy benefits of playing in the senior cup albeit SJC winners could be given a place in line with Amateur Cup winners
  16. It isn't 42 v 32 necessarily as this also ensures the 32 have a continuing voice that is not greatly diluted
  17. Or 2 Annan players including the L2 Player of the Season
  18. the draw might look highly suspicious but it isn't that's the laws of chance at work
  19. Clubs joining Fife FA have to be SFA members
  20. It was corrected as Dundonald should have been the home club - no seeding or fixing involved that’s how the teams came out 4 SPFL v the other 4 clubs
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