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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. The CWG puts forward proposals or outline ideas for clubs or groups of clubs to consider. Their reps at the relevant meetings report back the views of those consulted to the CWG - that's all that has happened.
  2. It's not been resurrected - it is an ongoing discussion as I previously flagged up
  3. Not sure the council and committee have stronger hands though in this poker game
  4. Not in the house, I will research it for next Cowden programme - Willie Mercer I think would be one, Andrew ‘Gunga’ Paterson definitely did - Lochgelly United, Dunfermline Athletic, East Fife, Kirkcaldy United and Raith Rovers
  5. Yes that’s why I said it is a rare feat as it was done back in the day when such clubs were around
  6. Scott McBride - a rare feat having now signed for five Fife senior clubs
  7. Yes let Greg play as the number 10 in a free role - why anyone ever thought he was a winger is beyond me. He played about 140 games for Cowden, not one of them was as a winger
  8. No this is about Colts in L2 not Colts in L3 - a crucial distinction
  9. Well it seemingly had no bearing on the Trapdoor - so you can't have it both ways. What a thoroughly ill considered and ignorant response
  10. I was indeed being sarcastic as folks tried to close down chat on this on Trapdoorwatch as it seemingly wasn't the appropriate forum. This wouldn't seem to be the appropriate forum either by those standards. There isn't a proposal for Old Firm Colts in L2. There are discussions about a new L3/Division 5 and that involves a number of possibilities including colts teams/HL/LL teams thus suggest for the pedants a new thread entitled L3/Division 5 be set up for a proposal that remains subject to ongoing discussion and shaping.
  11. Why all the fuss - nobody was interested in debating this a week or two ago! Anyway a chance for folk to type Get in the Sea again
  12. 1st round tie kicks off this year's competition at Central Park next Thursday when Cowden play Burntisland
  13. In a large part by offering an opportunity to play and enjoy the facilities of the National Stadium - Cliftonhill doesn't hold the same allure
  14. Travel to home games or training is not included - that is travel to your normal workplace. Travel on a team bus to an away game and clock starts ticking when you get on the bus to until you get back off it when you get home. For a home game standard working hours start from when you are ordered to arrive (usually 1.30) until you leave = say 4 hours. Training adds say another 4 hours a week. Thus your minimum base is around about 8 hours. But you could have say a 14-16 hour week travelling from Central belt to away match at Elgin/Peterhead. Then what if you have a midweek away match as well as a Saturday match as well as training in one week? Thus many clubs have monthly wage deals rather than weekly now - as you can smooth out the hours hopefully rather than have spikes where you would end up underpaying or paying overtime to meet requirement.
  15. Hmrc have been all over this in football and SPFL/SFA have made requirements clear - it is now part of club licensing requirements that clubs meet minimum wage laws. Thus contracts now can be for X pounds per week or more commonly now per month. That figure should cover the full hours worked in each week or month x amount of minimum wage £7.83 I think for players over 23. Most clubs also pay players for 52 weeks as statutory paid holidays must be provided. You also can’t average - every period be it week or month you must meet minimum wage
  16. Travel to Peterhead 12 hour working day x minimum wage rate
  17. Bang on £11k surely - at best you made a small profit at worst you made a small loss - but the story being pushed above was of a big loss. Thus in reality it is pretty much a non story/issue - you say yourself insignificant finance wise.
  18. Ok now saw what the admission price was - the Pars get £3.5k travel money and £2k extra prize money for winning plus gate share should readily cover a £10k bill.
  19. BBC is wrong then. You get £3.5k from SPFL and nothing from SFA - with gate money you could readily get up around £10k income in total. Presume though club didn't wish to arrange trip on a wholly economic basis and chose to spend extra on a discretionary basis. Eg Flying, more expensive accommodation, etc.
  20. Well how much did you make and what was spend? For example - Extra prize money = £2000, travel money award is £3500, share of gate (1017 fans don't know prices) say £3000 = £8500. 30 folk in a hotel for a night plus meals could get that for say £4000 and bus for 2 days say £2000. That would surely work economically. It was suggested to me Queens Park are travelling down and back on same day on bus with evening kick off arranged.
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