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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. It's good how you provide your own headline summarising the comment to follow
  2. Again a view understanding this will be a dynamic situation
  3. It's great that you have been elected spokesman in your own mind for everyone on P&B - a real honour
  4. I am not the least bit interested in Colts in the senior set up including the Lowland League - happy if they wish to compete in East of Scotland League along with other Colts sides. I don't like the current proposal and don't see how I could ever be persuaded that Colts in the senior set up is good for lower league SPFL clubs, or the SPFL. It might possibly be good for the clubs who field colts sides and possibly the SFA - but it would be an experiment that might not work. The same sort of experiment promoted by the SFA when clubs who built up and invested in their own or regional youth academies at the SFA's prompting as to the way forward found that that was being junked and 'big' only was beautiful under Project Brave. Once bitten twice shy in my view. Can you come up with a system to give Colts meaningful regular matches v League sides outwith the League system might be something to consider - it may not or may be possible. In addition, it should be noted that the current play-off rules as best I recall mean that the bottom of L2 play off rules are that bottom team plays off against the winner of play offs already held between teams from approved Leagues which have a membership of clubs drawn from outside those of the 42 SPFL clubs - thus if Lowland League accepted Colts teams from SPFL clubs that SPFL rule would need changed or the Lowland League to give up its play off right.
  5. How exactly am I miles off when I patently agreed it would be better to loan players out - sounds like I am spot on. You don't seem to actually read anything properly without letting your preconceptions do the typing.
  6. I don't recall saying that the loan system isn't better for development?
  7. Well that's just your view really - the proposal I think actually meets your young players get better by gaining experience by playing with and against experienced pros criteria - they can have a couple of experienced players in their side. Youth v experience after years of just youth v youth will have some value. ,
  8. Nothing - I would presume he feels he is developing them and that this would enhance that
  9. Chris McCart's job is to develop young players at Celtic - if you look at that in isolation then this proposal will do that or at least has a likelihood of doing that - so quite sensible from that perspective
  10. Speak for yourself - I do recall flagging a long time back when this was first mooted that a monetary incentive would likely be used to try and persuade to general ridicule - it then came to pass. I inferred that maybe need to consider that it might be wise to look ahead and not just at the present initial proposal as it would likely be reshaped and repackaged to try and make it more desirable and acceptable to clubs (be they SPFL or LL) and no surprise it isn't just vote no and end of. Debate not diatribe on here was what I was implying, less Trump more thought.
  11. Again you write something here that is just untrue - willing to render another competition pointless for a big enough slice of cash - when did I say clubs should take the cash be it £15k or £200k? I didn't. You seem to think suggesting a possible scenario is the same as saying I would go for that.
  12. Defend what precisely? Not aware of defending anything other than the right to consider any proposal somebody puts forward -
  13. No you are right a forum isn’t a place for a debate or even to expand to consider possibilities
  14. No need to précis me in a leading manner - the answer is I don’t know as the proposal would need a great deal of reshaping and work - but even then might not be worthwhile overall if the key downsides cannot be resolved or ameliorated. You would have to factor in the impact of the sum of money in terms of how it impacts on a club plus its impact on Scottish football and how these clubs economic power would change
  15. But the serious point I make is is there a price where with reshaping such a proposal might find favour with clubs - because if I was pushing this proposal that is what I would be looking at. Seems an interesting and valid debating point for a forum - but maybe folks prefer just running with pack - of course your response is a sensible one based on the question posed
  16. Yes it clearly does ask what about that scenario - it’s not a difficult question
  17. You come on make a jibe - get a response that is more than a sentence and go into huffy mode - you don’t want debate. At least my high horse isn’t the one wearing blinkers
  18. Again don’t recall CFC ever telling you or any Pars supporters that and again a complete misrepresentation of what was actually said and all its nuances in favour of what some folks decided was the message
  19. I know you can’t understand sophisticated arguments but that completely misrepresents my point. Most of those who speak of the gruesome twosome, sevco, Doncaster and Regan are starting from a position of prejudice. I have no problem concluding this isn’t a great idea without any of that baggage being involved. Many many folk posting views pepper them with those references and others. So at no time have I said or implied that everyone on here is reacting through prejudice so why do you spout such nonsense - the clear point I made is that some posters (note not everyone) allow prejudice to influence their views - rather than just the merits of the proposal. But again like some maybe you just want a bunch of folks ranting and agreeing with each other rather than allowing for a range of views
  20. Well you see in the real world you do properly consider the options and don't just gut react based on your prejudices. But here in the virtual world you can indulge yourself with that luxury. Here's an interesting poser for you - what if the incentive was £200,000 not £15,000 and that level of finance might be transformative for your club and also nine other small Scottish clubs?
  21. Simon I post on here as a fan - always have done
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