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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. Surely the future of all this is that the juniors effectively all become senior in a pyramid system and then the Scottish Junior Cup is used for national Cup competition for all non-SPFL clubs
  2. Hardworking grafter, skinny looking but hardy and have seen him sent off twice in about 15 games I have seen him in
  3. One of the oldest cup competitions in Scotland is continuing when most of the other county cups have fallen by the wayside. All the members are actively participating and indeed there is a new member and prospect of others joining. A few years ago the competition was not being completed - it's not much of a stretch to claim success at all. Sometimes it's good to try and preserve a bit of the game's heritage. We aren't going for a lucrative TV deal or a place for the winners in the Europa League but happy to see the progress made
  4. Two years ago all the clubs committed to carry on the competition and that they would play the tournament to a finish each year. It had become more difficult to fit in ties over the years so it was agreed that teams would proactively arrange their matches and if they couldn't fit a match in to their schedule they would simply scratch to allow the competition to progress. That is what now happens and this regularly used to happen in the Fife Cup and many local cups. Every club played in the competition in the last 2 years.
  5. Fife Cup hasn't been run haphazardly in last 2 seasons - both tournaments completed satisfactorily
  6. Doubt it - didn't they just hire part of the facilities on a recurring basis at certain times? Did they have an office base at Meadowbank or any tenants fittings?
  7. Emergency loans were already going - nothing to do with reserves
  8. Burntisland Shipyard v Cowdenbeath in 2017/18 Fife Cup Final on Tuesday 24 April at Recreation Park, Burntisland with kick off 7pm
  9. Well deserved win I thought with Cowden also hitting woodwork twice
  10. Not aware of being asked that question but there have been several polls of Old Firm and Hearts fans plus comments on their forums showing decent levels of support - why would they not back it as they will perceive the benefits and aren't impacted at all by having their own League compromised?
  11. Still got that naff team of scriptwriters coming up with your posts I see.
  12. Yes so what - the Challenge Cup went through as part of a package with the Betfred which was acceptable to lower league clubs. I said then that for it to metamorphose into the Leagues it would need there to be a suitable incentive for clubs in lower leagues to vote it in - there hasn't been such offered so presume the big clubs if they want this will look again at the carrot. That's not to say they can find one that clubs will accept. The fact is there is no way for this to go through without the agreement of a suitable quantity of L1/2 clubs.
  13. But it's League 2 that is impacted - and Challenge Cup is immaterial
  14. She isn't - probably most Hearts fans would be in favour as would most Premier club fans. It is the lower league fans in general who don't want it
  15. A majority of clubs voted against them - not being from Fife was one issue that was considered
  16. Livingston applied at both the 2010 and 2011 AGMs - thus they were applying for membership for seasons 2010/11 and 2011/12
  17. The telt! You remain in a fog - l left for reasons stated nothing more not in some sort of huff or upset or because of some prattle from Tabby. But as ever you post nonsense posing as truth in true Trump style. Now I won’t bother posting again so feel free to fire in another lame post and snigger with your pals.
  18. Sorry - if you don't want a debate or any thought then just sit as nodding 'yes men' agreeing with each other and shouting about the Old Firm. I am afraid I have become bored with the kneejerk knockers
  19. A responsible director would vote for what is correct for his club including greatly strengthening its financial base. Sustainability is only a single aspect to be considered. It would not have a neutral effect - firstly the enhanced quality of player in the league would produce some increase in crowds, secondly said clubs would likely enjoy increased cup success and thus more money and crowds from that route, thirdly it makes it much more likely that clubs in the play off places at each end of the division would enjoy success in those competitions and the attendant benefits. They would also be more economically sound and have a stronger base to build on and take forward rather than say constant pressure on cashflow which may detract from longer term planning - that is at £500k - surely you aren't extending your argument to £40m level. Wouldn't Scottish football benefit from having more clubs who have a strong financial and cash base isn't that part of the argument against the big clubs getting so much of the League monies distributed each season? Clubs can readily understand that it will be a 1 or 2 year boost perhaps but with sound planning can use it to invest and fund the future. Its not just about the respective league positions at the end of that one season.
  20. £500k or £1m or £40m what do you think a club's fans would vote for in each of those circumstances? What do you think a responsible director would vote for then - bear in mind that level of funding would likely mean those clubs could readily sweep the colts teams aside whilst building a solid base for the future. One of a directors key duties is to do what is right for his club - might they not think 10 clubs with significantly enhanced economic power would be good for Scottish football? See if you can reply without raving and shouting and just think about it? Or you can pretend you are a paragon of Corinthian values and sporting integrity.
  21. You didn't but quite a few posters on here seem to believe folks state certain things when they didn't do so at all
  22. I can't see your difficulty - Chris McCart's Celtic colt players better development obviously is expected to help Celtic as I said that is the point of having a colts team and is part of his job - I am not sure I praised him other than agreeing that was an aim he would have as part of his role. A further logical conclusion to draw is that Chris McCart believes that this plan overall benefits Scottish football - which in one area it could if more and better players are produced to improve the national team. That is surely the bones of what he thinks. That's presumably as he sees it - he thinks the overall impact will then be positive for Scottish football. I don't because it has an adverse effect on lower league clubs and the SPFL which outweighs any possible benefits. That seems clear to me though not sure why you want me to explain the simple and easy conclusion that Chris McCart thinks this proposal is good for Scottish football overall rather than just his own club - but he would not be one of the main advocates if it was not to Celtic's benefit as his employer.
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