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Everything posted by Munoz

  1. Any suggestions of where to park near/nearish the ground?
  2. Hemming has been more than decent for us and a upgrade on Carson. As for our POTY, Gogic should win. His commitment and drive has helped massively to secure us to 2 top 6 finishes.
  3. We could be 7 points ahead of you if the unlikely happens. I think financial doping is more up Motherwell's street.
  4. Cheating kuntz . Over and out. Top 6 , great achievement on a 5th of the budget of at least 2 bottom half teams.
  5. Even though Hearts obviously have a strong dislike of us, I'm pretty sure they would rather see their rivals Hibs finish as low as possible. So with that said, how about throwing the game just like we supposedly did in 86 ?
  6. We don't lose to Hearts in games that matter, and this Saturday will be no different.
  7. That was like watching 2 separate games of football in which 4 teams took part. Very odd.
  8. Easier said than done, but a win for us on Saturday coupled with a Dundee loss to Rangers on Sunday just about secures a top 6 finish (i think ?).
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