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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Pity that doesn't fit remotely with the point made in my post, but I suppose you had to find some use for your photoshop efforts having dedicated so much time to it
  2. We have enough players who could play wide if required whilst we await the January window. More concerning for me is the lack of options up front just now. Too few goals in this squad as it stands.
  3. Joined ten years ago. Post count - 9. He has clearly been building up to that one.
  4. Gus just happens to be a divisive figure for St Mirren supporters. As such, we are inevitably conflating two aspects of this appointment - the creation of the new TD post, and Gus getting the gig. I'm a bit confused as to what the purpose of the post is in a club that is the size of St Mirren. That's not to say that it won't be worthwhile and helpful to both the BoD and the manager, and that is something that we might never be clear about. I imagine Gus wouldn't have taken the job if all it entailed was hanging about like a bad smell. I wonder if he will be interviewed for the OS/in the press about, or whether the club will be keeping it all a bit backstage and low key. On Gus himself, I wonder what specifically qualifies him for the job. He does seem to be respected by players, and has been around for a long time. I think I read somewhere that he had quite a broad remit at Queens Park, so maybe that has been taken into account. They certainly seem sorry to lose him, so we can assume he was valued at that club. I'm happy to shelve my scepticism on this one. That would change, however, if our new manager is not afforded the opportunity to do things his way.
  5. Nothing weird about it. Brown envelope passed from agent to tawdry rag. Deal's a good'n* *FAO any solicitor acting on behalf of the player's agent and/or the tawdry rag: a big boy posted this and ran away.
  6. Aye, he was always fine with me too. I think it was the right time for us to part ways when he left, though. I couldn't see him achieving much more with the club. Perhaps this new role will offer a different kind of challenge, and will be a good fit.
  7. He was jaded towards the end of his tenure at the club. I also met with him a few times and that had become increasingly apparent. Perhaps a different type of role will be more suited to him and will ignite his enthusiasm. If appointed, though, there will no doubt be a split within the support in terms of the reaction and how he is received. It was ever thus, however.
  8. I tune in to hear Tam sneeze. That kills me every time.
  9. Bit of both, I suspect. It is probably indicative of the atmosphere a out the place just now. An absolute shambles, and one that has to be sorted.
  10. Absolutely. It is the extent and rapidity of the decline that has been so alarming. It takes a special kind of talent to f**k up quite so monumentally.
  11. Dead man walking. Never nice to see someone losing their job, but it is best all round if this is sorted sooner rather than later.
  12. Aye, I reckon he considers himself unleashed, but there is only so far his credibility will stretch.
  13. Gilmour is a sweetie wife, who loves a bit of tittle tattle. That's not to say that he isn't onto something here, but the man who - along with others - appointed Tommy Craig, isn't, for me, best placed to bitch on social media about the managerial situation.
  14. Messrs McCann, Holt, and Canning et al must be rubbing their hands with glee. The point and laugh material here is undeniable.
  15. Aye, that's pretty much the size of it. Edwards won't save Stubbs now. A sad state of affairs for all involved, but it can't be allowed to continue.
  16. Nah, even in the context of this unspeakably hideous window, Smith to Livingston for less than £50k couldn't happen, could it? Even Alan Stubbs couldn't commit an act of such unparalleled tom-fuckery. Could he? Please Mummy, make it stop
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