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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. I'm not fussed either way. The Johnnies seem keen, but I reckon that is fueled by nostalgia as much as anything else. It could go either way for whichever club signs him. Bit of a punt, so if it involved significant outlay, I'd tend to steer clear. In any event, I have heard of a potentially more promising (if equally unlikely) possibility....
  2. https://twitter.com/Record_Sport/status/1147080487132901376?s=19 Edit: tweet possibly deleted now?
  3. Too often, though, we've had one or the other. I can't recall many who are solid defenders and also get down the wing effectively. Maybe Dummet being the last we had who was proficient in both areas (though he a bit raw and prone to mistakes)?
  4. I suspect that whoever was involved in negotiating the deals to bring our Eastern European contingent to the club in January (recruitment agency?) will have picked up the strong scent of the filthy lucre. This is possibly what killed the Popescu return, going by the OS account. If so, I think we are less likely to see many more deals of this type. That and JG's comments regarding loan deals not being his preference.
  5. Aye, that's probably right enough. A utility defender in the Hodson mould might be more likely, with a dedicated left full back as first pick. We've had mixed fortunes in terms of left backs over the years. Not sure why, but it always seems to be a tricky position to fill.
  6. Not sure who we could realistically bring in who'd be a significant upgrade. Anyone in mind?
  7. Doesn't look like we'll be seeing Muzek again. He was solid enough, for the most part (St Johnstone away blunder aside). With Hodson also away, we will probably need two left backs in, as Erhahon shouldn't play in there again unless we are severely depleted by injuries and suspensions.
  8. Agreed. As others have said, he is a handful, and occupies defenders, creating space for our other attacking players whilst carry a scoring threat in his own right. It might be the case that he is particularly effective as a second half sub when opposition defenders are tiring. This was the case against Dundee (albeit they were also down to 10). He is also decent in the air - something that is handy when defending set pieces. He took his goals well enough at Dens, and with more game time and a full pre-season with a FT club, there are grounds for optimism.
  9. There is a distinct whiff or brown envelopes being passed under desks to this one.
  10. Indeed. The rate and extent to which pretty much everything associated with the club has turned to shite is quite staggering. The statement issued yesterday was fucking idiocy.
  11. It is a pity that we lost a few months under Stubbs. I don't imagine many of us would have anticipated just how badly he could f**k it up, but that is in the past now. As you say, the last few signings give us some hope at least. Whether they work out or not will only become clear in due course, but at least there are positive indications that Kearney knows what he is doing.
  12. I wouldn't say they are 'big names' necessarily. It is all relative to what Stubbs brought in.
  13. I suppose there could perhaps be a bit more to it. Personal circumstances, recovering from injury? What certainly is positive is that we can attract these guys even if only for a trial and possibility of a short-term deal.
  14. OK has confirmed that McGugan is with us for another week, so that one isn't a rumour. The fact that he is sticking around suggests he has shown up reasonably well during the trial period, so that's encouraging. As you say, we do seem to be looking at players of a decent pedigree, and that gives some hope.
  15. I suppose one option would be a short term deal until January. Wouldn't cost too much, and could bag and replace as required.
  16. If he isn't pretty much ready to go, he won't be offered a deal. We seen that with Cotterill, despite his pedigree. I'm assuming Jackson must be quite sharp to have grabbed a hattrick yesterday, albeit in a bounce game.
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