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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Nice set-up. I think UtN had/has a Focus and rated it very highly. Your bike shares (or shared, in terms of the wheels) a lot of components with my own aluminium framed Cube, which was my first and only road bike. 105 groupset has been superb, requiring very limited maintenance if looked after reasonably carefully. I have the stock Fulcrum 7s that came with my bike, and they've proved bomb-proof. I'm not that bothered about the weight issue as my own bloody weight fluctuates so much it seems immaterial. Also, being a short-arse, my bikes have small frames, so I get the benefit of a few ounces shed in this respect I'm not in the market for a new bike any time soon, but if I were to take the plunge, I reckon I'd opt for titanium. Light, good damping/flexibility properties (like steel but not so heavy), and pretty damn sexy! Oh, and like steel, if the frame snaps, you can have it repaired, unlike carbon. Buying a titanium bike is like making love to a beautiful woman....
  2. I can't doing with a backpack while I'm cycling. Gets on my tits (maybe I should tighten the straps....). In saying that, I usually have to stick one on when I commute into work, because I am no longer organised enough to have a change of clothes waiting for me when I arrive. Why not go on ebay and buy a second hand smartphone for £30 and load the app onto that?
  3. After posting my thoughts on another thread concerning what I believed to be the significant majority of other road users respecting cyclists, I was nearly wiped out by a large yellow Highway Maintenance truck this morning en route to work. It seems cyclists aren't permitted to move out to pass vehicles parked on the road, even if they indicate their intention to do so in good time and very clearly. My mistake....
  4. Eeeeeuch! So....you were, like, on the looooooser cruiser?
  5. I did, but then again, it only cost me a few cable ties and some gaffer tape.
  6. Hmm.... If he was struggling to maintain a dignified demeanour, he'd have been better to step out of shot. If I fet the urge to laugh during a funeral, I'd take my leave. It isn't hard to do.
  7. Nope, I thought the same thing. His missus might have been making references to a sky fairy and such like, but at least she had the good grace to seem upset by the whole situation. He came across as a bit of a throbber who was thinking that all his Christmases had come at once.
  8. I've noticed a trend in recent years (last couple, perhaps), whereby people who are being interviewed during news and current affairs programmes on the wireless more often than not start their answer by saying, "so....". An example might be a doctor, researcher, or academic discussing a subject such as the use of a new form of treatment for some condition or other: Presenter: "What types of person benefits from this new form of treatment?" Interviewee: "So....we have found that the treatment benefits blah, blah, blah...." What is this all about? It is a totally uneccessary, and I can only assume that they have all read the same manual on how to respond to questions during radio interviews. On reflection, it probably is just me who finds this irritating.
  9. Fair enough, they do get a good write-up, so that actually sounds like a good shout.
  10. Over 'the lanes' (Auchincarriach Rd) to Croftamie is a favourite quick spin, aye. Adding on the Gartness Rd and across to Drymen adds a few more miles with very little traffic, and is worth considering. You can then come take the route from Drymen to Croftamie (after the obligatory cafe stop, of course), then back the way you came. About 23 -25 miles or so (a bit more from Dumbarton), with a few hills, and good scenery. I work in Dumbarton and ride to work when I can (not so often recently but I intend to remedy that).
  11. I wouldn't buy a new bike for that kind of money. Try second hand or a recycling co-op. Sub-£200 bikes are generally shite, and a false economy as the components wear out quickly and they need more maintenance than better quality alternatives. They are also less fun to ride, more often than not - more weight, and harder to handle.
  12. Agreed - great route. Did you include the Roseneath Peninsula? I have cycled the Peninsula a good few times. Fantastic route (I stay in Alexandria). I am guessing you are referring to the Peaton (sp?) Rd hill that brings you down into Clynder? It is brutal, but the descent makes it worthwhile - whooptastic! My preferred option now is to approach via Glen Fruin which brings you out at Faslane, but the Arrochar option is a good variation and can be included for a longer ride.
  13. I was considering trolling this thread (principally for Standfree's benefit), but then remembered that I'm an adult with something resembling a fulfilling life including a family and friends, so thought better of it. Your loss, I would suggest.
  14. What an achievement! Incredible stuff. Helmet duly doffed (MATRON!).
  15. Who? The Modern Apprentice lassie in the office who posted the earlier statement on your website.... *titters*
  16. Aye, but St Johstone are a big team now. We just have to make do with the dross that is left.
  17. I thought he'd already been bagged. He's a bit of an arse, certainly, but I would take him at Saints now that McGowan is offski.
  18. Signing for St Mirren. McGowan hasn't been offered a deal in order to make space in the budget. He was at SMP this afternoon. Not unduly fussed either way, but has plenty of exeprience at this level, and seems dependable enough (or was when with St Johnstone).
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