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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Outstanding thread. An unbridled nostalgia-fest. Fantastic stuff! Well done all!
  2. Just back from Frightened Rabbit. Superb gig.
  3. Another London fatality, sadly: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-24936942
  4. Hey, don't forget that I was there when you were greetin' for your mammy during a wee smir of rain before you went all hard-core on us!
  5. Bloody hands like blocks of ice when I arrived at work this morning and it is only mid-October This is very much the issue I had last Autumn/Winter, and it really put me off getting out. My missus reckons I'm low on iron (not sure if she is referring to essential vitmains and minerals, or is suggesting I man the f'ck up!). It's not nice, though, and can take the enoyment away from even a short ride such as my (occasional) commute. Even with double gloves, it is hellish. Boo!
  6. I haven't heard many good accounts of those gel seats. They aren't supportive enough, and this can be worse for your hin' end than a hard perch.
  7. The dedicated cycle track from Balloch over to Helensburgh looks pretty decent, to be honest. You can also take the alternative route up to Luss. They are fine on a hybrid or MTB, but due to the proximity to the road (ie - running parallel for most of the way), all the shitey gravel stuff blown off the road by the passing traffic ends up on the path. I don't use them as I gave up on the MTB a while back (though intend to strip it down and rebuild it for the winter - and the experience of doing it). You can also cycle from Glasgow all the way to Balloch. Sections of the path aren't great, but other areas have been resurfaced (eg: Dumbarton to Bowling) and are good for the road bike and a hell of a lot safer than the A82 at that stretch - a road I cycled once and probably won't again if I can avoid it. I enjoyed the commute today. Enough of a wind to keep cool on the tough sections without it being a drag trying to ride through it. I've decided I need a goal for next year, so will be having a think about a few routes (quite fancy the Arran Fo8 and a few up North). Will be researching this to keep me interested over the next few weeks.
  8. What's the purpose of your signature Foxy? You'll be one of them, then you won't be an AGEIST BASTARD will you!!!!!
  9. Amazon are doing this for £106 just now: http://www.bikeradar.com/gear/category/accessories/resistance-trainer/product/review-minoura-b60-r-trainer-12-42691 Think I might pick one up, as my old trainer is gubbed.
  10. I haven't entered for any organised rides this year and it is telling. I've lacked discipline to get out, and my fitness level is pretty abysmal in comparison to the last two years. That said, I communted by bike this morning, so all is not lost. A goal for next year is definitely required.
  11. Gifted....yes; Grafter.... Hmm, I'll get back to you on that one. To be fair, he has apparently looked keen enough during pre-season matches (I've only caught him in one, and he looked decent).
  12. TBH (to be honest), I'm surprised if Carey has agreed to sign on the basis that he'll be competing for a place, as he was looking to leave Saints in January on the grounds that he didn't think he was getting enough 1st team action. That said, with only a few days till the season KOs, he'd be looking to get fixed up. For me, he is the type of player who needs a consistent run (in a consistent position) in a team. He can be a bit erratic, but is undoubtedly a very talented player.
  13. Apparently he was a fat, lazy underachiever We fucked up letting Carey go. Great signing for County
  14. Nah. Total rip-off Charity begins at home etc.
  15. Good luck - don't overdo it in this heat though, auld yin!
  16. CO2 inflator for me. Takes up very little room and can easily inflate to 100psi in the blink of an eye. If going on a very long ride I might take my mini-pump as a back-up, but would probably take my chances with the CO2 - it hasn't let me down so far. In other news, this weather is stunning for rising but can be punishing when there are a few tasty hills involved - as I found out this morning *inserts blowing out my arse smiley*. ETA: track pump when back at the house, of course. A bit of heat stroke setting in.....
  17. I'd considered buying a Felt before I opted for my current bike. They produce bikes for the pros, so it won't be rubbish, I wouldn't have thought. I'm pretty sure that even their lower bikes are highly regarded.
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