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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Seems so. Surely this can't carry if the clubs demand a change in the wording of the proposals.
  2. Indeed. Haven't a number of clubs already declared a potential conflict of interest and acknowledged that they will not vote accordingly?
  3. Wee Murdo is right, though. I don't know how I'll cope with the boredom of knowing that Celtic will win the SPL title next season. It was so much more exciting when it was between Rangers and Celtic. I already long for the days when I would sit by my wireless radiogram awaiting the results of the Glasgow giants' respective results. Quite how I will fill the void in my life that will be left when only Celtic feature is something I can scarcely bring myself to contemplate. Self-harm most likely. Perhaps we'll have no option but to manufacturer a collective interest in who finishes second in the league, as opposed to third. It'll be tough Murdo, and we will no doubt lose some brave campaigners along the way. Stay with us in our hour of need, we beg you!
  4. What an astonishingly melodramatic ramble. Your mother (sister) must be very proud.
  5. This. I posted this a few hundred pages ago and someone claimed tha the SFA are actually a big player on the international stage. I'm pretty confident that I wasn't being whooooshed as I choked on my Crunchy Nut Cornflakes
  6. FFS, just when you see a little hint of sunshine amidst the black clouds engulfing Scottish football, and naively believe that people might actually have done the right thing, you are doubled-over with an eye-watering boot in the stones. I'm a cycnical bastard at the best of times, but I have fought to restrain this characteristic in recent days as I genuinely wanted to believe that there is salvation for the game in Scotland. Deep down, I've pretty much known that I'm kidding myself on and sticking my head in the sand, but I've been able to live with that as I sought to convince myself that all clubs at all levels would be afforded the opportunity to do what they felt was best for their clubs and their divisions. It now seems that this is all fairy-tale bollocks, without the happy ending. A stitch-up is what it is. It is now impossible to escape that conclusion. The occasional bright spot being irrevocably snuffed out is making this entire process all the more demoralising. At least if they'd fucked us over from day-one, we wouldn't have been deluding ourselves into thinking that maybe, just maybe, things would work out in an almost palatable manner.
  7. “Contrary to what some claim, we’re going to do a lot of things we said we’d do and more besides. Things that are not yet public.” Most of them have been referred to on this thread, Charlie....
  8. I'm guessing he'd be accepted without any trouble.... assuming he didn't shout GORGIE YA BASS!
  9. Okay, for the record, I have no issue with Kilmarnock fans. You cannot be held accountable for the fact that your chairman is a cock. I won't be ridiculing you or your club (any more than usual). Nor will I be boycotting Rugby Park.
  10. Let's see how it plays out before drawing any conclusions. I suspect this has a way to run, yet, and we'll get a few surprises (some less striking than others) along the way. Hutton is saying things that others will shrink away from. They might think it, but would they make public statements to that effect? For that alone, he is due great credit, IMO.
  11. Turnull Hutton is emerging from this as one of the few 'football people' left with any integrity and decency. As I posted a while back, my uncle played for RR in the 1940s, so there is a wee link there. If this newco debacle plays out as I suspect it will, I'll be cancelling my 10000Hours CiC membership, and sending a year's worth of DD payments to Raith Rovers for youth development or some such. I'm not trying to jump on a bandwagon here, BTW. Integrity against all the odds should be recognised, and this would be a small way to get a very symbolic message across.
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