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Everything posted by Ayr23

  1. We had to score there. At least hit the thing!
  2. AMS is Ayrshire Medical Services is it not? HT thank f**k for that.
  3. How have we managed to get this far through the season and the camera work gets worse? Just end this miserable season now.
  4. We have missed him massively. He is cool at the back, and can play an accurate long ball. He should never have been risked up at Elgin. Really hope he's back in the team for Tuesday. I don't think we'd have conceded the first goal against Alloa if he was on the park. As others have said, Saturday's result has completely changed my outlook on how we'll do in the run in. I was fairly confident of an 7th/8th place finish, but now I feel we could go and play 5 and lose 5. Really hope our Dundee away team show up. I think we'll get beat by Dundee (their turn for a result against us), win against Dunfermline, draw with Arbroath, draw against QoS, beat by ICT. 5 points, and a narrow 8th place finish (if Ndaba is back). Can't see Arbroath getting any points in their away games in Fife, and I'm hoping that their last game at home to Morton is meaningless (or we're safe and the loser of that game finishes 9th). Surely these players realise that if they want to be playing in the Championship next season, for us or someone else, they need to massively change their attitude?
  5. Very surprised that Zanatta has managed a move like that. Was sure he'd be destined for League One. Will not be missed one bit. A shoe in to score a few against us next season.
  6. Can someone please teach Walsh to use his right foot? That's all. Thank you.
  7. I know Elgin haven't played in months, but their pitch is immaculate compared to ours. We need to get that sorted out ASAP. Their camera is much better too. However... On the park, I don't think I've seen as easy a first half (apart from Berwick away a couple seasons ago).
  8. Disappointing about Dre if that's the case. I thought he looked good!
  9. I wonder how many they initially sold when it was the application ballot. I luckily got tickets for the two Scotland games in the cheap seats. They'd have been banking on a large number of fans returning tickets last month, but I don't know anyone who actually did. We'd need to know the numbers allowed. I'm guessing 10,000 if it does happen? Would the SSC get any if this is the case? There's going to be disappointed people no matter what happens, fans or no fans. Being completely selfish, I really hope I can go either as a SSC member on 14 points, or with the UEFA tickets. Would be furious to miss out especially as I live a 10 minute walk from Hampden too! The way things are going, and from the language used by Sturgeon, Freeman, and the CMO, I do think we'll have fans there. They are just being overly cautious about the topic when questioned about it.
  10. Buzzing after that! What a night for McKenzie. Hopefully the start of a run for him. Ndaba... What a guy. We are a transformed team compared to the last few months. Fairly confident we'll stay up after the last 4 performances. 7 points from that run of 4 away games in 2 weeks, brilliant stuff! COYA!
  11. Ndaba just casually taking the piss out of Cummings and Adam there. He's such a player. These commentators are giving me a laugh anyway. They should moan about the ref a bit louder, I'm sure he'll take notice.
  12. Are these commentators thick? Blaming his momentum for that booking? Come on now.
  13. I completely agree we need fresh faces. And I know what you mean about familiar performances, but overall we looked like a different team compared to when Kerr was in charge, particularly in the first half. Muirhead was solid, Reading was much better, Ndaba was in his natural position and Sinisalo made some great saves. So that leaves us with a poor final third, which we do have. I genuinely feel more optimistic after today, and I'm usually a miserable b*****d.
  14. Come on people. We look like a totally different team compared to when Kerr was in charge. We edged the first half imo. Yes Hearts had some clean cut chances, but we also had some great chances, and had a few nice moves. If Kerr was in charge today I think we'd have got absolutely pumped. Yes we scored a few on Boxing Day, but ultimately we got pumped. Zanatta should have buried his chance, but he's not match sharp. We had about 8 corners and unfortunately didn't do anything with them, again something to work on. Tuesday onwards is what to judge Hopkin and our team by. If we finish 8th we should all be delighted after what we've seen this year, let's be honest.
  15. All things considered, I thought we played well today. I can't tell if people are taking the piss when saying that was horrendous today? Like it or not, we're playing against a Premiership standard team today, with a brand new manager. It was a closely fought defeat, which I think breeds optimism. We don't play Hearts again which is a bonus, and there are some teams (QoS) who have a very tough run in. I think the league will finish as it looks today.
  16. I would think so, but then the quality of the playing surface would deteriorate much quicker. If we had a separate training facility, it could be used by AUFA too rather than renting from the council. Think we're a long way from a separate training facility being a reality anyway.
  17. There's a Meet the Manager interview up on Black and White TV now.
  18. Having let the dust settle and read his interview with VOR, I do feel better about it. I'm positive he'll get us a mid table finish this season, and then we can make a proper judgement next season. Multiple game plans, ice baths, and vegetarian food? 21/22 season will be interesting!
  19. Smith has been saying he wants us to be a stable Championship club over the next couple seasons, then push on. Feck knows.
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