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Everything posted by Ayr23

  1. You have to login, and then select "Live Video" on the ICT vs Ayr United fixture.
  2. After a horrendous streaming experience with the Albion Rovers game, this has thankfully been the opposite. Perfect stream from the start so far. Decided to watch on the iPad today instead of using a laptop hooked up to the TV. Not sure if that's made a difference at all, but if it was like this every week I'd buy a PPV for every game. Come on Ayr!
  3. This. It's a big ask considering we aren't seeing these games in the flesh, and I'm sure many of us are having to make financial adjustments. I use PayPal for almost everything, so easy when shopping online as all your details are saved. I've used PayPal Credit before, and thought it was a good service. You've also got services like Klarna now that make it more affordable for larger purchases, where you can pay for things 30 days later, or pay in three installments, both at 0% interest. I think our online store is really dated and difficult to navigate at points, especially the checkout. I feel it should be a much smoother process. For example, there should be an option to use your lottery discount code, and pay using PayPal, Klarna etc (obviously these would have a fee for the club but could entice more sales). I think it would give the club a much more modern, and customer friendly appearance.
  4. I was on around 7.30 with no problems. The stream was horrendous though, very laggy, and I ended up around 5 minutes behind! Froze completely and then got the same error message as everyone else! A refund has been requested. 4-2 now, mon Ayr!
  5. That is absolutely outstanding. Goes to show that putting the time and effort into creating a beautiful kit pays off. Sounds like the Hummel relationship will be a good one!
  6. Or how about instead of using a developing country like Brazil for an example, we look at a comparable developed country like Sweden. They have pretty much nailed it. Instead of mass lockdown restrictions, they went for heard immunity and the figures are now showing that it worked. We cannot keep imposing restrictions each time there is a rise in cases, otherwise it's going to be this way until there is a vaccine (which could be never). We all know that if there's another lockdown, dozens of clubs will go under, and the hospitality industry will die too. Thousands will lose their jobs, economy crashes, different illnesses are missed, and mental health problems rise. I wear a mask and follow the rules, but I'm really starting to lose faith, and I'm sure a lot of others are too. Get us back at Somerset Park which is absolutely a lot safer than many pubs, restaurants, and gyms.
  7. I live in Glasgow and got mine in the post on Tuesday. I ordered it the day they went on sale. I'd imagine you'll be soon though. I think the top is class. It's really good quality, and looks much better in person than it did from the few pictures on launch day. I'm looking forward to getting the away top now!
  8. I've heard the opposite and that his agent isn't letting the club talk to him... That would be very disappointing. I hope my source is wrong.
  9. Will we have the fancy Hummel logo or just the standard Hummel lettering on the strips? The logo looks far better imo.
  10. Generally so do I. But our pitch quickly deteriorates as winter comes in, and watching us play up at Alloa on Saturday was the first time ever I've thought it might not be a bad idea having astro. Theirs is high quality and we played the way I'm sure Kerr wants us to play. Last few months at Somerset the ball just bobbles around and I get the fear every time we pass it back to Doohan! The flipside is QoS for example have a terrible pitch, but that's only because it's old and is most likely well overdue being replaced. Montrose were the same but they've replaced theirs and look how their doing. If we had a top quality (and no disrespect) grounds team and some more modern technology, and the grass pitch was decent all year, I'd take that. But it's not the case. Hampden's pitch at the moment is a mess, same with Ibrox. These are stadiums with all the tools available to keep the pitch high quality. So if they can't, we have no chance.
  11. I'm starting to be convinced by an astro park as long as it was high quality.
  12. Connor Malley was class when he came on. Good to see Shankland anonymous against us as usual. That's all I've got to say about that game.
  13. I wouldn't be dead against it either if we got a top notch astro park. But historically I'm pretty sure our pitch has been one of the better grass pitches out there, especially when Harko was in charge. I'm sure that Lachlan has said as long as he's in charge we'll be at Somerset with a grass surface... I may be wrong though. I think the surface today was great. Raith have also done it...
  14. I always get nervous when Bell has the ball at his feet, perhaps due to an occasional error, but he's been class during the past month. He should probably have scored today! It's also great to have Roscoe as an extra body if we need to tighten up at the back, like we did against Ross County. I'll happily admit I was a Kerr cynic. Today I was talking about the Dundee home game compared to today's game. Wow. An unrecognisable performance. He's learned a lot fast, and the players clearly know what's being asked of them. This league is so unpredictable but come on Ayr, let's push on, grind out results, and get 2nd.
  15. Absolutely brilliant. Kerzo does the Highland double. As has been said, not good for the stress levels at the end! The team have a hunger about them which was severely lacking before Christmas... Long may it continue!
  16. Hmmm not what I've heard... I've got a VERY reliable source, works for Joma and I've had images of the new kits.
  17. I've heard that we're moving to Joma kits next year and that's why we've had the 50% off sale on all the Adidas gear. Could be a good chance to get a bespoke top designed, rather than one out of a catalogue!
  18. My issue is that we looked like a totally different team, back to the old days of hoof ball, with no fight. It made me sad. As I said, today it was great to see us back to old ways, and long may it continue!
  19. I stand by that, on Tuesday, I thought that it was time for Kerr to hold his hands up and admit he wasn't ready for management (which was obviously never going to happen) due to the numerous woeful performances before and including Arbroath. Tuesday night and this afternoon were worlds apart. Despite the weather, I thought Tuesday was our worst performance in years. Today for the most part was a pleasure to watch. I'm behind Kerr if he doesn't fix what isn't broken, and today that's what he did.
  20. Not listened to it yet but that's brilliant. And it's great he has the confidence to start himself. We've missed him badly in previous weeks!
  21. A much needed 3 points today! I was calling for Kerr's head after Arbroath, and I stand by that. The performances had been rank rotten. Today though we looked like the Ayr United we've been used to seeing. McCowan and Forrest playing well, passing it about, winning the 2nd ball. On another day we could have scored 5. I'm no manager, but surely it's not that difficult to motivate the players to keep doing what they've been doing previously? Same players. Same ability. Hopefully that gets some more fans back for QotS in a couple weeks, and it certainly makes me more optimistic for Dundee United away next week! COYA!
  22. Irrespective of the weather, we were absolutely woeful tonight. I haven't seen anything that poor in years. We were also very poor on Saturday, and a week ago, and against QotS. Arbroath were very unlucky not to get the 3 points. There is a severe lack of any sort of urgency. Arbroath were wanting that win so much more than us. Kerr was brilliant on the pitch tonight, we have certainly missed his composure in the middle. But I'm afraid to say the Kerr as manager experiment has not worked, he's clearly out his depth and doesn't have an experienced assistant to help him. I feel sorry for him. How long are people prepared to give him? Until the end of the season and we've just avoided relegation? Or a run in League 1 and after a few months we're mid table? Or do the board and Lachlan hold their hands up and make a decision before any of those horrible situations happen? It's genuinely depressing how we've went a full 180 in the space of 2/3 months, from playing the best football I've ever seen Ayr play, to this. We need an experienced manager. But I'm sure the board will be happy with an 8th placed finish.
  23. Their first goal came from nothing, as did their second. Total joke. We came out in the second half and did well, passing it on the deck, creating chances. Then for whatever reason we can't connect multiple corners, and they punish us. Mark Kerr... see you later. The difference over the past 2 months has been startling.
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