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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Ok Craig. If you genuinely feel that there would be no fuss if the Govt said "ok so you can drink at football games, just not the Old Firm ones" then you're deluded.
  2. What's a bit shit? Them not releasing stuff individually?
  3. I'd say no chance. Edit: one of my colleagues downloads it from a torrents site every Friday.
  4. Difficult to tell. Could definitely see him playing abroad as I think he's better on the ball but they other two are more well rounded and able to drag us to a winning performance.
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derek-mcinnes-issues-aberdeen-nice-23561026
  6. Someone on here claimed it was actually his assistants
  7. Never reported it. Have told people to wind their neck in if I've been close enough. This was several years ago when I was a bit more ignorant to the worlds issues.
  8. Racist is racist. I've seen worse than that at football games which is laughed off and never hard of again.
  9. As I said I am undecided on the matter. I take young children to home games and for any away games the 2 hour break probably helps me find the bus home! If the law was to change I wouldn't bat an eyelid. For those suggesting their could be a blanket ban on alcohol at Old Firm games or Rangers/Aberdeen I'd counter that it wouldn't be long before there is a mass campaign to have that overturned.
  10. It also wouldn't stop fans getting blootered post match either.
  11. Just seems pointless to me then. I'm all for clubs running beer tents etc outside. I just don't see a real need for it indoors. Can't see it being the massive money maker some assume either. Most will no doubt tender a contract and someone else will run this like we do with catering.
  12. If we were to follow the English example, wouldn't you need to drink in the concourse? Would that be enjoyable? I'm undecided either way. I can completely see why they don't allow it.
  13. Do you think many would choose to drink in the stadium pre match opposed to the pub?
  14. I can't say I've ever thought the match experience would be enhanced if I was allowed to drink overpriced, flat beer out of a plastic cup. The two hour break is probably welcome too. Never had an issue getting in to a football ground whilst pished either.
  15. Rugby, which is the national sport of Wales and not necessarily for the 'upper class'.
  16. No. Of course not. The question was asked why do rugby fans get to drink and we don't. I'm not a rugby fan but it's clear to see there's a difference in behaviour between the two sets of supporters. I would imagine 99% of the supporters on here can behave themselves with a drink at the football. It's the dregs of society amongst the fans that can't. It's just over a decade ago that Rangers fans I worked with saw no issue with their supporters starting a genuine riot because a large TV screen wasn't working to show their UEFA cup final.
  17. Fans of the other ten teams will be able to confirm that old firm fans regularly act like animals at away games. It's not going to get any better if they are actively encouraged to drink more alcohol prior to games. Aberdeen fans have regularly acted like minks at the centenary bar in Dundee. I've a mate who I've seen get out of order countless times when drunk at the football. He's been on buses to rugby games and admitted he's behaved far better whilst just as drunk as it's usually a different crowd.
  18. Can you imagine the reaction if we were told all games could serve alcohol excluding old firm games? Behave.
  19. Not the thread for this but I'm sure you know why this is. If there was a true agenda against football then surely the 6 nations matches could be open to some supporters?
  20. That's strange as well as we were still getting a lot of joy as a counter attacking team at that point.
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