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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Celtic play a very different type of football than Scotland.
  2. There was someone who used to give info to one of the AFC chat admin years ago. They basically announced all the transfer info the year Shankland signed. The club put a stop to it after that.
  3. Scored a couple of free kicks too hasn't he? Definitely remember two against us although one may have been in the cup.
  4. Is that why he hired Walter Smith at the end of 2003
  5. Yip. It's why Fergie was so good. He could adapt. Most managers can't.
  6. My work told us we would have to take annual leave if we had to watch children.
  7. I didn't realise Celtic were not responsible for themselves.
  8. Who did Klopp blame this time?
  9. The rumour going round is that o e of the players who previously failed a test on international duty has failed one in Dubai. I'd doubt it but that causes chaos if so.
  10. Told my wife to get there before the FM announcement. Today was our day for a big shop. She said it was chaos.
  11. Which they are nowhere near. You pulled me up.on saying young folk were being selfish?
  12. The hospitals aren't managing the effects though. I know personally from people who work in ARI and the maternity that the hospitals are struggling. The government aren't putting people out of work either.
  13. We should be stuck in this situation precisely until ICU starts to show signs of the vaccine easing the strain. The governments job is to ensure the NHS can function. It's not their job to torpedo anything like a decent lifestyle for all to prevent people catching a virus. If restrictions remain in place when the covid occupancy of hospitals plummet, young folk will correctly f**k them clean off. Actually it is their job. We chose them as the designated people to make such decisions. They're not there to run the country how you see fit. They're there to run the country how they see fit.
  14. I think the bigger problem at hand is young people feel they are invincible. We're not going to die so why should I follow the rules. End lockdown and let everyone go about their lives. None of them consider the drain that would cause the healthcare system. Why would we purposely infect doctors and nurses? To my knowledge the restrictions are failing to work because a very large percentage fail to follow them. Until they do we're going to be stuck in this situation for a long time. In regards to the 'what if' I'd imagine the reason this is ignored is because the answers would be of the frightening nature.
  15. Aye. A lot of my wives pals wanted to be financially secure before having kids (ha!). Now those who are loaded are struggling to have. The others are no more secure than they were before due to buying bigger properties or more expensive cars.
  16. I like the "educate, participate, peacefully' part but we all know it's not going to go anywhere near close to that.
  17. I'm pretty certain we were told a vaccine wouldn't be delivered until Christmas. It was delivered a couple of weeks before. It's fine to ask questions. Some are a lot more malicious than others when it comes to questioning the Government. I'm told by some they are trying to control us. Control us to do what? You're already giving them any info they need posting on Facebook from your iPhone.
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