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Bridie Vision

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Everything posted by Bridie Vision

  1. Excellent, thanks so much! It really shows how dreadful we've been after HT.
  2. I'm sure there are some clever statisticians who could answer this. What would League Two look like if it only showed the first half? I reckon we'd be top, ahead of Kelty.
  3. What! We've conceded an injury time equaliser! Surely not...
  4. Interesting to see BJ playing well. Maybe our recruitment last season wasn't entirely trash, just had a (sadly) incompetent manager at the helm. While describing Forbes as a luxury player makes sense, he should play against us because as Irvine has said in interviews he's still working on our defending of set pieces as that (along with not taking chances in the box) is a weakness in our team and we all know how deadly Forbes is with FKs. Will be an interesting game, Forfar should win but a 1-1 draw is always a very likely scoreline.
  5. I never said it was a riveting read or that it was insightful. It's quite clear that the chairman likes to stay in the background unlike some previous chairmen.
  6. The chairman Scott Murdie has done an interview which is on the Forfar Athletic Facebook page if you're interested.
  7. Definitely, I know we lost last week, but I really think we won't lose many games this season (in the league) but sadly Matty Aitken has gone right off the boil and we could end up drawing nearly every week 0-0 or 1-1 unless Matty finds his form or Stef/Scott start scoring. I think we're missing Gallagher more than we realise. We need Ness to get up to Slater's level quickly if we're going to keep the chase with Kelty close. My prediction? 1-0 to the Loons, probably from on of our wingers (Thomson, PJ or Grant Anderson)
  8. A trip to Cowdenbeath is never exciting. It holds too many negative memories. The day we dropped points there on the 2nd last game of the season was really the day we threw the L2 title to the Lichties. Also, we'd rather not think of Bollan and his tenure at Station Park (even if it was actually more successful than Stuart Malcolm's reign).
  9. I take full responsibility. I was optimistic, that's never a good idea for a football fan Then to make matters worse, I was saying, at least Kelty lost as well. Then they go and equalise with the last kick of the match!
  10. Getting excited about this match. Starting XI look strong for us.
  11. Really hoping for a Forfar win, but with both teams doing well I can see it being drawn number 4 on the bounce in the league for us. We could be in danger of becoming draw specialists.
  12. Thanks guys, agree with all of you not bothered that Harkins played as it's only for the Challenge Cup. This Cup while it's a nice idea to have a cup for just lower league teams, the prize money is (I believe) pittance, so it really is more of an inconvenience than anything else.
  13. If McCallum was going to leave he would've left. Think St Johnstone were sniffing around about 3 years ago. Did Harkins pull out during warm-up? I noticed the BBC listed him starting but then later during the game McCluskey was listed as starting and Harkins nowhere to be seen? Not that I'm complaining.
  14. What an exciting front 2 for the Raith game Doris & Harkins! Gary is definitely using this game as an opportunity to rest some players. Glad to see Gallagher back on the bench, so hopefully he'll come on for Slater in the 2nd half. That way he'll regain some fitness and allow Slater some rest.
  15. I don't know, I guess not because all the boys and girls teams either play at West End, the Myre or by the Loch. I also don't know if the public are allowed to book Station Park anymore, due to COVID, so nobody uses the pitch other than Forfar Athletic. Our pitch will need resurfacing soon, I think it's been 7 or 8 years since it was laid, I could be wrong though.
  16. Absolutely stunning signing! With Slater and Ness that's good enough for challenging League 1 title, let alone a League 2 title. However, with their injury records it is quite possible they'll both be out together at some point which means a midfield of Archie Thomas (decent enough) and Harkins (not great!) Irvine may choose to mix up the team for Saturday but back in the league he may opt for this type of formation. McCallum Meechan, Munro, Anderson (or Travis), Strachan Ness, Slater, Thomas Thomson, Aitken, Crossan With that midfield 3 being fluid so it could be a 4-1-4-1, a 4-2-3-1, or a 4-3-3 depending on who we're playing and how the game is panning out. Aitken (if his form is down) could easily be swapped with McCluskey or maybe Shepherd.
  17. Think he ended up going to Gala Fairydean. Kind of shows how great our recruitment was last year, our striker who Stuart liked a lot is only good enough for a bottom half Lowland League club.
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