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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Wasn’t a great performance but couldn’t give a shit, good 3 points which is what it’s all about.
  2. Totally agree with this. My auld faither in law who is a cream b*n used to say that Falkirk fans were the most bitter, nasty mob ever and hated everyone (bit of a cheek coming from that rancid mob). I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, I was so bursting with pride. I used to tell him we weren't out to make friends.
  3. Will be Nicola for a while yet thankfully, no matter how hard the MSM and opposition are trying to get her punted.
  4. If they null and void League 1 and 2 how do clubs sell ST's for next season. Most of us that bought season tickets paid £200 for a handfull of games. Will most be looking for their money back and will folk be likely to part with their cash again for ST's next season with the uncertainty of how the league will look. Scottish football for me is an absolute mess, the powers that be have made an arse of things and I'm not sure If I'm at the stage where I might just walk away.
  5. Happy with Holt to be honest. Will have contacts in Scotland/England and experience with regards to youth set ups. Seems a decent enough guy too.
  6. A lot of clubs in the Championship would have struggled to pay for testing if they hadn't been bunged £500k each last week.
  7. I am exactly the same, no love at all for either of the ugly sisters but the Rangers fans attitude just now makes me despise them more than the rest. It's like they have forgotten the past 9 years.
  8. Too many clubs in Scotland for years have lived outwith their means and got away with it. This £500k pay out for some clubs is rewarding financial mis-management again.
  9. And what's your definition of a "shitey Any club that needs a government hand out to keep it going out in times when thousands are losing their jobs and businesses are shutting all around without getting any help. Why should football be a special case?
  10. It doesn't matter what clubs you're referring too. It's a pigheaded view you'd expect only from OF fans. Well I'm sorry for the way I think but I am being honest. I don't give a shit about any other club other than Falkirk FC. For government/taxpayers money to be used to keep some of these shitey clubs alive is wrong for me.
  11. Nope, don't like either of the ugly sisters. I do feel however we have too many clubs in top flight Scottish football. Also may I add that at no point have I ever stated QOS were one of the wee shitey clubs that I was referring too, funny that it's been two QOS fans that have taking the hump at my comment. Does your fanbase consider yourselves a wee shitey club.
  12. I agree, if clubs cannot keep themselves afloat off their own backs then government money should not be thrown at them. I still stick by original moan though that they way Doncaster and co. have divied it up stinks.
  13. Yip that was me, I was speaking soley for me. Not for Falkirk FC, any employee of Falkirk FC or indeed any supporter of Falkirk FC other than me. I honestly couldn't give a shiny shite about any other club apart from Falkirk FC and I think throwing taxpayers cash at certain clubs to keep them afloat is an absolute waste of money. Just my opinion though.
  14. This is exactly right. I would wager the likes of Hearts, Dundee and the Pars have higher running costs than the likes of Hamilton,Livingston, Ross County but they will get substantially less. It should never be about league position . Clubs have put in requested information and Doncaster and Co. have said "f**k it" we will just take the easiest option.
  15. It's wrong though. Why when thousands are losing their jobs and businesses are being shut down left, right and centre should large wedges of cash be made to wee shitey clubs that no one gives a monkeys about just because they are playing at a higher level.
  16. We don't need bailed out with government money, we have the fanbase to look after ourselves. We also have substantial investment coming into the club very soon. We will be fine.
  17. No the money given out should have been decided on whether a club is full-time or not, the amount of employees they have, the daily running costs of the club no matter what league they are playing in. What is laughable as none of this seems to have been taken into account and the amount clubs have been given has just been decided on what league they are playing in. So for example a club that is part-time with far fewer employees gets £500k and a full-time club with many more employees gets £150k. It would only happen in Scotland, the way our football is run is an absolute joke.
  18. Handing the biggest wedge to their pals clubs, corrupt shower of b*****ds.
  19. Just watched Gary Deans interview and it has left me fucking raging. Not only did that c**t Doncaster and his fellow band of fuckwits deny us the chance of promotion last season but they have now handed Alloa and Arbroath who will run at a fraction of our budget half a million quid whilst we get £150k. Scottish football is rotten to it's core and Doncaster needs hunted
  20. Yip, they certainly won't hand it to us like they did with Raith last season.
  21. Talk of the English Prem being suspended. Saying before the Utd v Wolves game that it will be for 2 weeks initially. We need to stay top incase the same thing happens up here.
  22. I tend to feel this way with most of Miller and McCracken's post match interviews when we haven't performed. I know they don't want to throw the players under a bus but just tell us how it is and don't make out we have done something we haven't. I am really concerned that they appear to be happy with that squad and don't think they need to add to it, maybe they have been told they aren't getting to add to it. Mind you looking at some of the shite they have signed that might not be a bad thing.
  23. Watching both sides it is clear why we are both plying our trade in the Scottish 3rd division. The only plus side today was sitting in a warm house and not freezing my nuts off at TFS, thank f**k for Tier 4.
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