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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. It better be 1876 as I have a big fecking 1876 tattoo [emoji16]
  2. I know the year we were formed is up for debate but I will go with 1876 which most fans recognise as the date we were formed.
  3. Would love us to put the FC Est. 1876 back into our club badge and on our shirts.
  4. Just hope they see sense and get the whole thing sorted as soon as possible. The fan/local business people consortium is the best option for me. I'm not sure about the American/Celtic scout option, I would wonder what their motives were. I remember Fulston and the Deans and the disaster that was. Ideal scenario is Falkirk fans and folk with the best intentions for the club at the helm.
  5. If they are gone and we do get decent siginings for league 1 level I wouldn't even mind paying what I paid for my South Stand ticket this season. As long as they are definitely gone.
  6. If we get good news about the board leaving and some decent signings I don't think the ST numbers will differ much from this season.
  7. It could be pish but I've heard Miller and one other, not sure who want cash and this is the hold up with the fans buyout.
  8. This is a worry, I see the fans/local business people have given a deadline for their offer. This has to be the right way to go, we can't hold out forever. I feel if the board have a shred of concern for the future of our club they have to push to have all this sorted out as soon as possible.
  9. I really hope investment does happen, my only concern would be how long this could take. This is a critical time of the season and if this was a long drawn out affair it could be an issue with regards to the budget the manager has for players.
  10. I wouldn't want to see Jarvis, Waddington or Turner anywhere near the club again, they were shite.
  11. When you click on his twitter you can get access to his instagram feed and there is a picture but I don't recognise him.
  12. Yip, we've won f*ck all in the past 3 seasons also.
  13. Bring back Harry Kinnear, the big fella although now 70 would bag a load of goals in the seasides. Make it happen McKinnon.
  14. If a new owner comes in, it will be interesting to see if they keep McKinnon.
  15. This is usually me as well, but I have never been so pleased to see the end of a season. Just hope the summer delivers us some good news for once. New owners with fans involved, decent signings for League 1 level would be a start.
  16. This is a knee jerk to last nights meeting where they were advised to get something out. Lang stepping down but stays on the board and no mention of rat b*****d Campbell. The apology was needed but the rest is nowhere near enough. The full board needs to f**k off.
  17. Statement released Lang has stood down as chairman but remains on the board and Ritchie has stood down from board. No mention at all regarding Campbell. At least they have apologised for the f**k up of a season.
  18. Hopefully this will make up Campbell's CV as he looks for his next job.
  19. I totally agree and am hoping that the take over has happened or we see concrete evidence that it is happening before season ticket sales start. I know too many, myself included who won't part with cash whilst this mob are still there. I know folk can say we are only hurting our club but for me it's the only way to force change.
  20. It will be very interesting to see how they pitch the season ticket sales if they are still all there. Will they just show contempt towards the fans and expect blind loyalty to kick in. This is going to be in my opinion one of the most important close seasons in our clubs recent history . We cannot afford to be in League 1 long term but the wrong appointments and signings and that's exactly where we will be. In my opinion there is no way back for ML and CC and nothing they can do to win back the fans and they need to go.
  21. It appears to me that Lang and Campbell are going nowhere and by the sounds of it, if the money isn't right neither are the board.
  22. I'm not sure how much the academy sales were as in typical Falkirk fashion a lot went for an undisclosed fee. Always made me feel we had punted them on the cheap.
  23. Don't think you are being whooshed. If I remember correctly we have 20% sell on clause. With the way that English market is inflated Will could easily go for £8 million plus.
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