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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I don't really understand how it all works either. I am going along to the meeting tomorrow night in the hope that all questions will be answered.
  2. Osman not yet received clearance from Greek FA.
  3. Closed door friendlies do the same trick [emoji106]
  4. Official site says McKenna has been training with us and Ray has been very impressed by him.
  5. Knew about McKenna yesterday but unlike Edi I can keep my trap shut.
  6. That's enough from you auld timer. We are recalling him to upset Edibairn. I hope you are taking care of that brick !!!
  7. That's a shame, hope he recovers well and as you say the club take care of him.
  8. They have just tweeted about Aiden Laverty. He is one of our youth players who is recovering from injury but nothing about Shayne Lavery yet that I can see.
  9. We are looking at an Everton youngster but Hornby wasn't the one I heard.
  10. Oh okay but you have to agree to take Dallison as well.
  11. Just googled them Dixon left Grimsby in November by mutual consent and Osman left Lamia in Greece in November also.
  12. WullieI don't know the details of either leaving their previous clubs and I'm not getting excited about either signing until I see them play. Most on here including myself bought into Hartleys signings in the summer and see how that worked out. I honestly don't think, given our finances and the player pool we will be dealing in that we will bring anyone in that is going to impress us all before they have kicked a ball. It will be players who haven't set the heather alight at other clubs at our level or players who have maybe had personal issues at other clubs and have been punted. Just got to hope that Ray can mould a team out of what he signs and what's left to keep us up. I think he has one hell of a job on his hands.
  13. To be fair the likes of Falkirk and Thistle aren't going to be signing superstars in the January window. If they were brilliant they would already be contracted to clubs and wouldn't be available. All we have got to hope is that Ray can bring in players the he feels have something to prove and that he can work with. No matter who we sign in this window someone (probably fans of previous clubs) are going to say they are shite. We have just got to trust Rays judgement and pray that whoever he signs he can get the best out of them and they have the fight in them to get us out this mess.
  14. Was like a lot of this seasons signings GB, I was excited when we signed players from Brighton, Chelsea etc. until I actually seen them play 🤣🤣
  15. Mince Vennie played late 80's and was indeed on a par shiteness wise with this current mob.
  16. Probably the laziest, least interested player I have seen wear the navy blue and I went to my first game in 1972. I have seen loads of shite disgrace the jersey but we will never know if Haber could play as from day 1 he never tried a leg and looked like he could not wait to get out the place.
  17. Well fellow Bairns 2018 has been an absolute kant of a year for us. Here's hoping 2019 gives us more joy starting with a mass clear out of the jokers who are currently disgracing the Navy Blue. All the best fellow sufferers. Keep the faith COYB
  18. I heard that last week and that was why I asked how the fans would feel about someone like him coming in if he scored the goals to keep us up.
  19. Hypothetical question here but how would you all feel if the club signed a player like Goodwillie and he scored the goals that kept us up. Do we want to stay up at all costs or would you rather the club steered clear of someone like that.
  20. Edi how do you know we don't have intelligent people in our support that maybe run a company or are on the board of a company and could bring something to the table. You do not know the background or history of every single one of our supporters.
  21. Yip but only if you are born in Grangemouth are you a real Portonian. Go ahead and report it to the SPFL, I know a good lady lawyer who will sort this out [emoji16]
  22. Being a Portonian I would quite happily claim if for Grangemouth but we all have FK3 postcodes and its in the FK2 area.
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