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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I think the best thing anyone could do in a stadium if they hear anything racist would be to make a steward aware.
  2. Sorry you are 100% correct. I worded that wrong, I don't want to be hearing that vile sort of stuff.
  3. Thankfully I must be sitting/standing in the wrong areas then.
  4. How do you know what happened. You are in the same position as the rest of us you only know what you have read in the statement and what the press/rags have spun from the statement. I tend to go on the side of caution before I pass judgement on anyone, I like to know all the concrete facts first which at this moment neither you nor I do. I will wait until the police have concluded their investigation when hopefully the perpetrators are brought to task. I don't believe we have a racist element to our support. We do have arseholes in our support but having followed Falkirk for over 46 years I can honestly say that I have never witnessed racism towards any of our players or any other clubs players. Now before you have a breakdown I am not saying that there wasn't something shouted at Dennon on Saturday but I won't pass judgement until the facts are out.
  5. Edi are you really a Falkirk supporter or are you just trolling us constantly. You seem to be in your absolute element when you are sticking the knife into us.
  6. It is still an allegation Edi. The police will investigate and interview fans, players, stewards, officials to get evidence to substantiate the allegations. If others come forward and corroborate these allegations and identify the individuals concerned then they will quite rightly be dealt with in court. Until corroboration is obtained it is an allegation. You might not like the term used but that's what it is.
  7. Edi do you want folk to lie and say they did hear something if they didn't. Folk on here who have said they or their friend heard nothing have not stated it didn't happen. The club are calling for fans to come forward if they were in that area but they have the details of the fans who bought these tickets. These fans are potential witnesses, provide their details to the police and let them investigate and do their jobs.
  8. Exactly the way I am feeling. I have never felt so alianated from Falkirk as I do just now.
  9. Where have I said once that he made it up or even suggested that. I have stated a fact that two folk I know who were there never heard any racist abuse directed at Lewis. There may have been others who did hear it and given the facts 1. Very few Falkirk fans in the main stand 2. Tickets only sold to season ticket holders 3. The club were recording details of fans buying tickets This should not be too difficult for the club to identify those involved.
  10. Wind your fucking neck in. Where have I said that it didn't happen. I have stated a fact that two people I know who were in the main stand on Saturday never heard a thing. Also being at the game I could see that it was a very small section that contained Falkirk fans and many on FB have stated that stand tickets were only sold to season ticket holders so it shouldn't be too hard to identify the fans that were there and speak to them to ascertain if they have heard anything. Is that clear enough for you.
  11. Fans on FB who were in the main stand saying there was only a tiny amount of Falkirk fans in there and all were season ticket holders. Certainly when I got my tickets they asked my details so this shouldn't be hard to identify who was involved. I know a couple of folk who were in the main stand and they never heard anything.
  12. Seeing the Warriors getting drawn away to Aberdeen makes me glad we are out. Aberdeen would destroy that mob currently masquerading as football players.
  13. Totally agree pal, your team thoroughly deserved the win today. They wanted it more and fought for every ball. Dennon Lewis go and find a job cause you aren't going to make a living at football. So many players in that team don't have the heart for the fight or they just aren't very good. Defence looked shakey every time a cross ball went in. I definitely think Harrison looks more solid in there than Muirhead but it doesn't help when you have a keeper that doesn't come for crosses. Ray has a big job on his hands come January but we knew that anyway. Don't blame him for any of this as he was left with the worst squad of players I have ever seen at Falkirk.
  14. Was a great game, real end to end stuff under the floodlights in front of a packed Brockville. I'm sure there were highlights on the BBC that night so it will probably be on You Tube.
  15. Always remember Gunner's performance in the 4-3 win against Thistle at Brockville, outstanding. Wee Sammy is a Legend, doesn't hide his feelings towards the Pars on FB [emoji23]
  16. Super Sammy McGivern and Gunner McWilliams are there tomorrow to do the half time draw. That's the forward line sorted and they would definitely put more effort into it than Haber.
  17. If it's true and 4 more are out the door in January I would vote for Haber, Lewis, Dallison and Sammut. They offer the least to the squad in my opinion. If it's more I would be happy to see Fasan and Mitchell go and a decent keeper in with Mutch as back up.
  18. This pish with Rudden and Dan has got me riled. We are on our arse at the bottom of the league and two of our key players are going to be missing for a crucial game. We don't have the squad to compensate for this. We should be able to put a case forward to get this postponed. If its good enough for the greed is good league then it should be the same for the rest.
  19. Spoke to Eddie May about 4 years ago at a recruitment event at Hampden Park. Really nice guy, sat and chatted for ages. Said he didn't want the first team job as he loved working at the Academy and the board talked him into taking it.
  20. Do you practice being a c**t or do you find it just comes naturally to you.
  21. You can't place the blame for our mess on just Paton. There are very few in that squad who aren't equally as culpable. I would probably give Rudden and Irving a pass as they are kids but that's it. Bauben also as he has just joined.
  22. Remember something else Margaret Lang said last night. St Johnstone make £300k alone a year from the sale of teas at funeral wakes at McDiarmid park. It's clear that if there was any way we could take over control of the entire stadium it would be massive for the progression of the club. We all need to get our Euro millions tickets.
  23. She did mention keyboard warriors and said P&B is rife with them [emoji23]
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