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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. So glad we got John and Paul tied up to a new deal, at least if the Accies steal them there should be a fair chunk of compensation coming our way.
  2. Surely you can’t sack him, you are still in with a chance
  3. The only worrying thing about that scoreline today is it may take a couple of thousand off Hamilton’s travelling support next week and we need the money.
  4. Wonder how long it will take for an Accies fan to appear
  5. Should we rest some of our better players next week against Accies for the bigger games ahead
  6. Anyone know what the line up was and scores were last night.
  7. Bottom line for me is I contribute more through the FSS because I’m at an age now my family are grown up and I’ve got a bit more spare money. I went through a period when I was just married and had my family and I struggled to afford to pay to go to games and pay household bills. A lot of folk are suffering in the financial climate and do what they can afford to. They are no less a Falkirk supporter than me or anyone else who pumps money in because they have it.
  8. I agree, probably my favourite player at the moment. Always puts in a 7/8 out of 10 performance. I actually don’t think at times he gets the recognition he deserves and I’d definitely be keeping him.
  9. Good work from the club. They took their time and didn’t jump off the deep end like previous regimes and have put out a well worded, well thought out statement that covers everything.
  10. It’s Morrissey I really feel for, poor fucker hasn’t had time to pen the lyrics to “The King is Dead” he better get his skates on.
  11. He better hang on until after we play Accies in a fortnight, if he keels and it gets cancelled I’ll be fucking livid.
  12. I was just at the wind up, I worked with an Airdrie fan and know you are not all like that, it’s only that 90% that are the issue
  13. I agree with you and was being flippant with my post. Very few clubs don’t have idiots in their midsts and it does seem to be happening a lot more these days. We had the fighting before the game at Hamilton in December and I’m sure I read somewhere about trouble at an Alloa game recently with youngsters causing bother, add in the young lad being assaulted at a recent Fife derby. I don’t know how the clubs can stop it. As I said earlier the cost of policing is too high for most clubs to pay now and they prefer stewarding but that doesn’t stop incidents from happening inside and outside of grounds.
  14. I’ve maybe not explained myself right. I totally agree with what you are saying, they are wearing the balaclavas and covering their faces because they don’t want identified because they are so CCTV, social media aware. That’s what makes it more difficult in identifying all of them. From the footage I’ve seen however there are some that could be picked out and maybe if they were identified and banned it might deter others. It’s definitely a conundrum for the club.
  15. I don’t like the whole balaclava, face covering malarkey but these are kids that have grown up in a CCTV/ Social media era and they are very conscious of the fact big brother is always watching. I don’t know the answer to stop behaviour like last night and it must be an absolute headache for those whose job it is to try and prevent it. I just wouldn’t like to see the Ultras/Singing Section being disbanded but I fear if these type of incidents continue then pressure will mount on the club to do precisely that.
  16. I agree with this, but what is the answer to stop it. Ultras/Singing sections are the in thing at the moment, like Casuals were in the 80’s and skinhead gangs before them. I don’t know how clubs can totally stop it. We’ve had trouble at games before the Ultra section started. I just feel if the club get rid of the fans in that corner of the KM7 and don’t let them have the drums/flags etc then the whole TFS experience will go back to being shit. There is good CCTV coverage around the TFS plus social media can hopefully identify the main perpetrators, get them named and banned and it might be a deterrent to others to act like that.
  17. I agree, the casual culture were fashion based people who sought like minded individuals out before, during and after games to participate in violence or pavement dancing on the majority of occasions. A lot of these individuals didn’t go to games or support the particular club they attached themselves too. From what I’ve seen of the Ultras so far they support the club and give the team great backing. I’m not condoning that behaviour last night, far from it. I think fans like LSB and anyone else should be able to go to games home and away without feeling frightened or threatened. I still think a lot of what went on last night would have a lot to do with adolescent wee Ned’s having loads of time to fill themselves full of drink or drugs and showing a lack of maturity. To condemn the full Ultras section because of it is unfair.
  18. There was an old guy in the South Stand rustling Wherther Original wrappers last night, outrageous behaviour.
  19. These night games for TV are great but there is a reason you wouldn’t get say the Old Firm playing at that time on a Friday/Saturday night, the Police would be consulted and identify the risk involved. We are playing in the third tier and most games are low risk because of the lack of away fans, there will be little or no involvement from the Police at this level with regards to scheduling. If we go up next season that will change and the club will incur more cost with regards to the policing of games. We seen what happened at Hamilton when there was no Police in the ground and it was down to stewards to keep the fans apart. I don’t blame the stewards for not getting involved as much as the police would when fighting breaks out, they get paid a pittance. If the Ultras start to feel heat from the club then I’m sure they can sort out the behaviour of the numpties amongst them.
  20. The problem now is clubs don’t pay for policing. Police only attend grounds if there are incidents outside like last night. Policing is very expensive and the majority of clubs prefer the steward option as it’s a whole lot cheaper.
  21. On the Ultras thing, I think they have been great for the club and I would hate to see them go as they add so much to the atmosphere.
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