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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Neither team laid a glove on each other, top after the first quarter. We regroup and move on. On a side thought the Ultras were great today.
  2. Think if you look at all of us on here that are pro FSS “ can afford too” is mentioned in most posts when trying to encourage new members.
  3. I’ve no issue at all with fans who can’t afford it, but I can’t get my head round those that can and just choose not too, yet are happy for some unknown investors who might have zero connections with the club to come in and put money in. Each to their own I suppose though. Lets just leave this chat for another day though and concentrate on backing the Bairns today.
  4. The pitch will be fine, it will just be the roads but it’s Scotland ffs we get rain all the time and should be able to cope with it.
  5. The roads and paths in Grangemouth are the same. Just been down the town and loads of flooding. It’s heavy rain just now, just hope it gets a bit better in the afternoon. Would be gutted if this doesn’t go ahead.
  6. I said the same yesterday, it’s October and if we get beat some in our fanbase will be saying the seasons over. After the past 5 seasons it’s understandable but it’s still early days and lots of water will pass under the bridge before the trophies are passed out. Oh and yeah f**k off Airdrie.
  7. I can’t see anything mentioned online at the moment, only thing on the news websites is about train cancellations and Police advising folk not to travel unless necessary which doesn’t bode well.
  8. Looking at the forecast this rain looks like it is on until 11pm tonight
  9. How good is the drainage at TFS, they were saying on the STV news that some parts of central Scotland will see 3 weeks worth of rain between now and Sunday morning
  10. I joined the FSS as soon as it started and I’ve up my monthly subscription twice since then. I realise I’m lucky that I’m in a fortunate enough position to do it and I’ve no issues at all with fans who can’t afford it. Those that can and for what ever reason choose not to I would ask the question, how would you feel if there wasn’t a Falkirk FC anymore to support? Maybe a bit dramatic but in this financial climate the more of us that can help out the better. Part time football or no Falkirk FC is a horrible thought as is the thought of some mercenary fucker getting hold of our club who doesn’t have the best interests of the club at heart.
  11. I think it’s only Airdrie that fall into that category, don’t think Clyde have any fans who are like that.
  12. Really good and sadly worrying thing I watched this morning on YouTube “Scunthorpe United are dead. What happened?” . Totally underlines for me why it is so important for fans to have a controlling stake in their club and how badly things can go if the wrong person takes over.
  13. Watched this last night and must say the crowd footage after the winning goal is excellent. The Ultras are making a huge difference to the game day experience at TFS. Was talking to a boy the other day who said his young nephew who previously didn’t bother going to football games is now going to TFS as his mates go with the Ultras. Anything that enhances the atmosphere and encourages new fans to Falkirk is fantastic no matter why they attend games.
  14. I’ve a feeling it could be Oliver ahead of Ross, being honest don’t have an issue either way as both capable of doing a job.
  15. Did Hamilton not flog a load of youngsters during the summer for decent cash.
  16. We have been behind and showed the fight and belief to come back. I too will be interested to see how Hamilton would do if we can get an early goal. Hope this is a cracker with both team going for it from the off.
  17. Have to say the crowd were excellent yesterday, the level of support and patience shown was refreshing. Even at 1 down I didn’t sense any panic in the KM7 stand. Hope we all get right behind them next week, I’ll be enjoying some bevy in hospitality before kick off next week so I’m looking forward to the Main Stand rocking
  18. I agree, I think the Ultras starting the chant after a goal beats Amarillo for me, the South was rocking after the goals yesterday.
  19. I was exactly the same with Morrison and probably one of the more vocal ones on here regards him. A big part of my issues with him was there was clearly a player there but he didn’t produce it enough. I think he is benefiting from the confidence and spirit that seems to be running through the squad just now. I also think he is playing with more freedom and is trying things he wouldn’t have in previous seasons. I cannot wait for next Saturday, in hospitality so hoping for a great day with the right result
  20. What was the attendance today, I must have missed it if they announced it.
  21. Just the norm for this league. In our 5 seasons in the league I think I have maybe seen a handful of decent refereeing performances. I bet fans of every team would say the same, the standard is honking.
  22. I thought it was more for Spencer being brought down.
  23. Thought our penalty was definitely a pen, couldn’t tell about the Montrose one as it was too far away. Montrose should have been down to 10, the No.3 who has the build of a lad that plays in the Sunday leagues should have picked up a second yellow for his challenge on Morrison but the ref, who was bloody hopeless shat it.
  24. Well that was fantastic, my voice is gone. Ryan Williamson will be out for months now with ear injuries the way he was cupping they big lugs when Montrose scored, he should know you never do things like that until the job is 100% done.
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