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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Get the reserves back up, play against same age kids and older pro,'s -learn the game and then give em a chance in the first team. Admittedly some games I'd seen were stagnant, almost non contact at times, but every spfl club should be able to manage things and bring players through their system. Agree that organisation takes some believing at times with the spfl and SFA both at fault.

  2. Decent fixtures for my July week with games Tues & Weds, leaves me with just the 29th to find a game. Trying not to involve the Colts, rather see new grounds. The start date of 23/30 had me double checking - can't wait to get going. May return to Berwick/Cowden to see how they're coping.

  3. 12-16-16 with the LL and HL champions straight up. Trying to find a way to stop club 42 and others complaining. 41 and 42 play HL and LL runners-up, which gives them a decent chance of staying up. Lower legs of 16 = 30 games. Champions straight up, 2nd v 3rd semi final (against) clubs 14th v 15th semi final. Expect I've messed up the maths or lost my way somewhere - I was doing so well, in my head 😴

  4. So the money laden big boys can't even play on their own grounds, thought Hearts would have made some effort. Pathetic,the quicker the Colts clear off to be replaced by decent non league clubs,the better. Hopefully Tranent can thump em all,my full respect to them. Any idea of AGM/ fixtures date ?

  5. Everything depends on how the clubs adapt, and whether their budgets get hit by being relegated. You probably have a strong 6+ clubs in the West, several in the East too - so maybe the spfl clubs have to swallow the pill and enjoy the non league ride for a few seasons, to hopefully come back stronger.

  6. No surprises with Hearts colts getting a look in, my biggest concern is having 3 teams in a league that cannot get promoted - I hope that every club below the Lowland gets an easy passage into the league,just like the colts. Money talks, has any colt/reserve side ever tried to get into the Highland League ?

  7. Hope that adrenaline and the feel good factor gives Bonnyrigg a chance to stay up, even if only for a few seasons. Albion possibly worried, but hopefully any club that has been loitering around the relegation zone for years finally gets their just rewards. 

  8. Already seen Ryhope quit the Northern League due to lack of committee help - this possibly the biggest threat to all clubs seeking a license in Scotland. As mentioned on P&B, the ground etc is just a small part in getting licensed - as many committee people are getting older I hope younger folk step forward- for now and the future.

  9. Enjoyed watching the game on t.v , difficult with the club colours and the glare off the plastic ! Shocking offside decision to not give Yoker a goal, they ran out of steam come the end - especially after the first goal. Maybe one day a non league cup where the amateurs could play preliminary rounds etc ? Yes I know there's an Amateur Cup 🏆

  10. Will have to find the criteria required to get a license, some clubs seem better (ground wise) in their facilities etc. Well done to every club in their efforts and speed in getting things done. I take it for granted down south in step 6 upwards, really good the Scots are catching up. Work behind the scenes seems to be a regular sticking point,come on folks try and help.

  11. Not just the OF but I've always wondered why fans don't bother watching their youth & reserve teams - these kids are probably the future,aren't they ? That aside there are some decent crowds in the Lowland, compared to spfl2, if you can get 350+ at this level, well done everyone.Again well done Faceman and others, excellent work 👏

  12. A pity that the Scots couldn't start the game,the way they ended. Go at them 100mph and get the first goal, but tbh the Ukraine had decent technical players,always causing a threat. Saying that, put a top quality spine in the team and it could look different, just can't carry players who don't perform on the day. Keep building with the youngsters who need the support.

  13. Well done Tranent,thought that Darvel would do it this time - I'd expect it to become harder for Darvel over the coming seasons as other clubs push them all the way. What sort of crowds could Tranent get now ?

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