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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. First visit to New Victoria Park v West Calder today, scrappy affair with some bizarre ref decisions. The equaliser 1-1 was an excellent passing move well finished.A soft penalty for 2-2 and I thought West were the more likely winners from there on, until getting caught out with a ball over the top, a good finish by Frazer Sutherland - Nitten got away with it slightly imo. Loved the ground and clubhouse, cheap beer up here again ! Am sure Star can play better, be more cohesive as a side, some half decent youngsters.(pen for 2-2 below)20221015_154228.thumb.jpg.ef235b0df2fb278f6f24c1cff2bf284b.jpg

  2. Now to see if public transport can get me to Cumnock on the Friday then ! Disappointed that they haven't chosen a game for the Sunday, will have to find another game to finish my holiday. Glad that Pollok have been given a slot anyway, to make up for last time, good luck to all non leaguers.

  3. Dependant on whether there are Premier games on tv, they ought to make up for the cock up by showing Friday, Sunday and possibly Monday games. Fraserburgh my outside bet, with Brechin and Linlithgow safe bets. Maybe clubs who film their home games can help the poor BBC out, if they're short of a camera.

  4. Quick 5 minute drive from work to  Oakland's Park for Western League Division 1 : FC Bristol (used to be Lebeq FC) v Odd Down (Bath) A decent game, goals in the 2nd half with the visitors levelling in injury time.10-11-21-22 att 29. The hosts began as Lebeq in Sunday football before going into Saturday and climbing the leagues. Name change hasn't gone down well with the old Lebeq boys to say the least ! 

  5. 12 days of national mourning is just a bit over the top,sad, but she was 96. Think once professional leagues decided to p-p tomorrow , no other League wanted to be the ones that went against the 'guidance' At least the Great North Run goes ahead on Sunday, oh yeah that's some charity thing so that's ok. Tbh maybe amateur/grassroots could have been played with a silence beforehand.

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