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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Finished my week at the Sports Hub for Youth Cup v Drumchapel Amateurs today, cracking game in a difficult venue - took me ages to work out the blue lines ! Obviously a Gaelic football set up primarily, but a decent venue for the community. Thought the Bankies had it done,when the Drum went down to ten men, but a spirited fightback and then to nick it late on,good stuff.

  2. Being an Englishman who visits Scotland regularly, Hampden is like many old stadiums, brilliant when terracing,but just a bodge up with seating. Surely the best answer is to knock it down and start again - to create a magnificent national stadium. Maybe naming rights could help reduce the costs to the SFA, only an idea. Possibly cheaper than lifting the roof etc etc ?

  3. Impressed with the growing set up, add some cover over the seats- maybe some terracing under the covers in the future ? Benburb fully deserved the 02 score, should have been more except for some good saves, especially in the first half.The Buffs seldom threatened, unable to get numbers forward or retain the ball for long enough.Some older heads may knit the side together better, and give some leadership,can see why goals are hard to come by. Easy for the visitors to just sit back at times.

  4. Decent game with an excellent atmosphere, StPats had best of the chances -missing a penalty along the way. A soft 2nd yellow saw them down to 10 men around 70 mins, but they kept competing well. Game ends 00 with the Saints winning pens 8-7, with the Glenburn gk missing his chance after all eleven had taken a penalty. 

  5. Glad I made it to the game, only seen John Sheridan a couple of times - highly respected, a Beith legend. Excellent game, some funny moments, a good turn out, maybe 200+ ? and played in a really good spirit. A brilliant programme, sums the guy up going by the contributions. Good luck in whatever you do in the future.

  6. Blantyre 0-3 today, firstly a big thanks to everyone who tidied the ground up - was a tip on my last visit ! Two cracking shots and a penalty that shouldn't have happened,for the goals. Hardworking display, especially the no.7, but really lightweight up front. Maybe chuck the no.6 up front when the 2nd goal went in, nothing to lose. Showed some character but Cumbernauld the better side and always a threat. Good start to my week up north.

  7. Wouldn't mind seeing some more cover at Pollok, opposite the other side - not sure where they could squeeze any seats into the ground, behind the goals ? Well done to Rutherglen on going for a licence, really good how most clubs have grasped the move into Senior football, with the improvements being done.

  8. Going by how many clubs have installed the Pleasure Lamps, there can't have been many NIMBY situations, for the sake of a few night matches I can never see the arguments against. Great to see so many going for licenses, shows the clubs have taken the pyramid seriously. Taken the Scots a while, but it's great news for all fans.

  9. I don't get to see or read much news from up north, but was there any talk of other spfl clubs wanting their colts, youth, reserve teams to get into the spfl ? Would have thought having two more Old Firm sides in the league likely to upset other clubs. Non league clubs must have priority to climb the league's pyramid surely ? 

  10. Thanks, do use the WordPress quite a bit, very useful. When I download the EOS my old tablet won't open the file. Will keep looking at both the Lowland and EOS websites for updates. Used to enjoy the West Youth stuff on a Sunday (Troon etc) but that seems to have gone. Trying to fill my next week in November with as many games as poss. (October saw me get 7 games)

  11. Hopefully those new signings don't all come from Penicuik's under 20 squad, thus decimating them. Good luck to the new boy, would be nice just to see the Vale competing at least. Seems the club have made mistakes, hope that's in the past now - no real benefit struggling year after year.

  12. Looking forward to the draw as I'm back up in Scotland November 13-21st, so if some games can be played on the Friday as well, then I'll be happy ! I like the cup seeing as there are quite a few rounds before the final itself, not the old Junior Cup, but definitely worth winning imo. Do the winners get into the Scottish Cup or anything ? 

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