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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Think it's becoming difficult and possibly unfair to try and attempt to finish the season , the training and trying to get 50% of games played would be a mad rush, especially when there are no promotions or relegations on the table. Get everyone 2 jabbed, see the numbers come down, and push on for next season.

  2. Don't have the answers but.... promotion and relegation IS part of the spfl I believe, so there must be a ruling that you cannot have two teams of the same club in the same division ?  Only just read of the OF bribes on offer to other clubs, dear oh dear. Wish the SFA would announce that the colts thing is a non starter once and for all.

  3. Thought the decision was to allow spfl 1&2 clubs to resume training - with regards to what, to resume playing sometime ?  To play Scottish Cup games is probably financial, but can't see any way back for league fixtures -the current season won't be finished to allow promotions etc imo.

  4. At least the powers that be(down south) have showed some sort of interest in non league, grassroots football etc in trying to restart (with fans) even though it never came to much. Seems as though the Scottish government have almost too much on their plate, unwilling to make decisions about the game itself. Almost as if they don't want to be held accountable for any unlikely surges that occur IF the game restarted.

  5. Think that most clubs will eventually find their level, when things return to some sort of normality. Things are difficult when there's no fan income or sponsors money etc, but I believe clubs will look to progress as far as possible - the majority of grounds will look so much better in years to come, and hopefully there's a place somewhere for clubs who just can't afford to move on. Give the pyramid 5-10 years to settle down eh ?

  6. From the outside it seems the (bigger) story is the teams in spfl2 and their fear of relegation and spending years in the wilderness - maybe if the HL and LL champions come straight up, with two relegated down, then these clubs can see a rapid return ? Admittedly they'll vote to cover their own backsides, but maybe it's time to see Talbot,Pollok,Kelty,Brora and the like, take their places Inthe spfl.

  7. Be interesting what Boris says tomorrow on the resumption of outdoor sports like golf etc. The quicker that the over 50's get jabbed then I'm more hopeful of football restarting asap. Even though 20/21 has been difficult , I'm sure clubs will accept null and voids  etc  IF they can see a clear restart with fans' income through the gate/bar.

  8. Can't be convinced that the OFColts thing won't ever happen in my lifetime, let's have a few rules in place just to wind them up - all to be agreed by the OF. We guarantee : 1) 15,000 home crowds. 2) to take 200+ to away games OR be fined the entrance fee for every missing fan on both counts,to be given to the opposing side. I'm sure P&B can come up with better ideas !

  9. Just out of interest, with the WOSFL now senior, along with the South, EOS, Lowland, and with the players a step up from the amateurs playing on local parks etc : what do clubs consider to be a 'fair' amount of travel , to and from games ? 50-100 miles, 2-3 hours drive, admittedly with people possibly working on match day, they may not be able to go far.

  10. Hopefully the forecast of  many adults getting the 2 jabs by next season, will give football a chance to return with fans. Once shops, pubs and schools reopen, along with workplaces, then ALL sports should be given a chance in 21/22. Fingers crossed that EVERY club survives the pandemic.

  11. Think the professional leagues have kept going because of the TV deals, and maybe having to pay £ back. They have kept testing players with very low infection numbers, a gamble with taking - they'll say/argue. Say goodbye to this season, and hope we can return for 21/22 in a much healthier state - with ALL clubs in existence.

  12. Was interesting to see that when the National League North,South restarted at the weekend, many clubs refused to play due to costs, testing, etc and the turning of grants into loans. Think when everyone gets tested, jabbed, and things slowly reopen, then next season will have fans back - when folk feel safer. Hopefully the Clydebank/Darvel scenario doesn't happen.

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