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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Two biggest concerns around the games, from what I've seen and heard is that football is the release/reason for some older fans - so they're missing the games, clubhouses, being part of a community on the weekend etc. Must be difficult if their partners have died, and the chance to meet pals has been lost. Hope they're all keeping well and get back to the games asap, the clubs are nothing without these guys.

  2. Only been to Hampden a couple of times, is it the location and /or stadium itself that is the issue ? What's more important, snarled up parking spaces or good transport links ? Maybe there could be a multi sports stadium with a drop in pitch in the future, to be financially viable. The FA down south are clowns, so guess the SFA are the same ? About time Scotland had a new stadium anyway.

  3. Don't think people can argue with the scientific parts of covid19, beyond my schooling. It's the hypocrisy that gets their backs up- what you can do and what you can't. Football at non league level across the UK IS  at the bottom of the barrel, for this government. Unable to make proper decisions about the game. IF clubs can play without being tested - fans can attend .

  4. Think  the governments says 'All football fans are the same' Sadly even in lockdown and restrictions, thousands of Leeds and Liverpool fans turned up to celebrate - at non league level fans don't adhere to the guidance, you'd hope they do the right things in the clubhouses AND socially distance on the terraces, give us a chance. Hopefully  crowds can return, and the Amateurs can start playing again.

  5. Read somewhere on P&B that Edinburgh amateurs maybe cancelled until well into 2021, was that right ?  Guess that with the pitch problems I read on here, maybe that's the best thing. Get pre season done and then look to restart for next season ,21/22.  Wonder if any clubs will fold, after having a year off ? Good luck 

  6. Really think all the league's are in turmoil, wanting to play - but look after clubs who don't want to - just hope they have a plan B if the season doesn't end on time. Maybe one day in the future we'll have a uniform 2 up 2 down across the board ? Hopefully ALL non league will be up and running by January with fans as well.

  7. Knowing this governments bad handling of the pandemic, expect they'll turn opposite - you can now watch the game outdoors, but you can't go in the clubhouses 🍺  Don't think people mind, it's just the hypocrisy around their baffling decisions that drive you mad. Well done to getting all the games played this weekend, and thanks for the streaming guys.

  8. After last season's almost farcical ending, wouldn't it be great to have fans back in the grounds to witness the end to the current season at least, just to say thanks to the clubs for still being there, and giving things a go. Can't have been easy to make a decision whether to play or not. 

  9. Thought the Welsh North and South hadn't started at all, I maybe wrong of course. Guessing that the loans will be like the furlough £ - you ain't getting it back ! Hopefully  the games will continue to be played and IF the governments arms can be bent, maybe some fans can be back in January - with the hope/dream of finishing the season and keeping all clubs alive and well.

  10. Sounded like IF fans get tested, they maybe able to go back into stadiums - in England I think. Be interesting to see how any money is distributed among clubs - as the National League clubs are arguing like mad down south. Guess the only problems with loans & grants is 'how to pay it back ? ' Can't see much trickling down the leagues tbh.

  11. Being an ex player myself, because of the current situation I would have loved to play in the summer - leading into a restart proper for season 21/22 that would see the end of pre-season training for once ! What a thought, the amateurs/grassroots had been playing well around Bristol before the lockdown - just happy to be playing. Hopefully you'll get back asap.

  12. Problems I see are when open up follows lockdown, give people a sniff of  some sort of Christmas etc and they all become idiotic, ignoring all the advice. Not really sure myself where the 'safety point' is, before we return to a normality. Always going to be a risk until the virus says goodbye 

  13. Some decent points again, can't understand why people are dead against playing football and the (likely) risks involved - bet the majority want the shops and pubs open ready for Christmas, safe as houses in there. Contradictory when the amateurs can't play, but the so called pro's are ok to play , when so few are getting tested across the game itself. Are people waiting for things to hit zero ? (Cases, deaths) Never gonna happen.

  14. BCD ? I thought that some fans were allowed into the games ? Always thought that local fans who live in the tier area, could go to games, if sufficiently masked and distanced. Unless you have to provide I.D etc, how can you prove who's home or away fans, being my only concern. Hopefully the League gets up and running.

  15. If the professional game continues, as it should do, clubs should have a fair idea if they can carry on financially - without fans, until the end of the season. All clubs at this 'pro' level should be getting tested regularly, with those above, picking up the costs if possible. Interesting times ahead 

  16. Unnecessary travel causing a spike ? More like the schools, shops, pubs and work places id guess - along with people not wearing masks or distancing. Seemed strange to give professional status to something which clearly ISNT . Unless there's a boom in football related cases, just let em keep playing.Good luck to everyone North of the Border anyway. 

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